August 31, 2006

小肉包和外公的第一次接觸 Hasan and Grandpa

開始吃副食品了! Eating Solids

小肉包第一次吃副食品. 我用食物處理機把大麥打成粉, 加水煮成大麥糊餵他吃. 但是他含在嘴裡不知道該怎麼處理這坨食物, 最後還吐了出來......
This was Hasan's first time having solid food. I used the food processor to made the ground barley, and added into boil water to make a paste. Hasan didn't know how to swallow the food, and eventually he threw it up.

August 29, 2006

四個月的體檢成績單 4-month Check Up

今天帶小肉包去做四個月的體檢. 小肉包身高 26 吋, 體重 17 磅 5 盎司, 身高和體重的比例還是很讚, 在 90th percentile.
Today we took Hasan to have his 4-month check up. He weighs 17 lb and 5 oz, and his length is 26 inches. Both length and weight are at 90th percentile.

因為小肉包出生時只有 50th percentile, 滿一個月時變成 75th percentile, 滿兩個月時長成 95th percentile, 我和阿里本來以為滿四個月的時候可能要破表了! 幸好及時煞車, 沒有長成巨嬰.
Hasan was born at 50th percentile. When he was one month old, he was at 75th percentile. At two months old, he was at 95th percentile. At this speed of growth, Ali and I thought that he would be out of the chart at 4 months old. However, he was able to control himself not to become a giant.

其他健康狀況也都良好, 一樣是頭好壯壯. 美女醫生迅雷不及掩耳地給小肉包打上三針預防針, 小肉包都還沒反應過來就打完了. 小肉包挺遲鈍地唉了一聲, 唉完之後可能自己也發現好像反應太慢了一些, 自己不好意思的笑了起來, 結束了今天的體檢之旅.
Hasan's growth and development is in perfect shape. The doctor quickly gave him three shots, and she finished everything before Hasan even realized it. Hasan cried for one second after everything was done, but the next second he was smiling to everyone.

明天開始我們就要試著給他吃副食品了, 不知道他會不會喜歡呢? (如果是遗傳到他爸的話, 基本上應該是什麼都吃吧......)
Starting from tomorrow we will try to feed him solid food. We are worried that he might not like it too much. (But if he is like his father, I think he'll pretty much eat everything!!)

August 25, 2006

康伯蘭湖之旅最終章 - 說再見 Lake Cumberland Trip Final Part - Saying Goodbye

終於到了說再見的時候了. 回家之前我才終於想到要來個大合照. 在此給大家來個人物介紹.
Finally it's time to say goodbye. Before we left I finally thought about taking a group picture. Let me introduce the Arar family here.

上圖, 由左至右: 亞當堂哥, 忍堂哥, 老爸, 小肉包, 愛打姑姑. (請注意小肉包的圍兜兜寫些什麼!)
In the first picture, from left to right: cousin Adam, cousin Zane, Daddy, Hasan, Aunt Aida. (Please pay attention to what's on Hasan's bib!)

下圖, 由左至右: 忍堂哥, 九歲的安娜堂姊, 亞當堂哥, 老爸, 小肉包, 愛等堂哥, 愛打姑姑, 八歲的強納森表哥, 麗莎姑姑.
In the second picture, from left to right: cousin Zane, cousin Anna (9), cousin Adam, Daddy, Hasan, cousin Aiden, Aunt Aida, cousin Jonathon (8), Aunt Lisa.

唯一沒有出現在這次康伯蘭湖之旅的照片和影片中的是辛苦的西湘伯父. 真是謝謝西湘伯父辛苦駕駛游艇載大家到處跑, 抱歉沒有照到你的照片. (其實在康伯蘭湖之旅第二部左上角的照片有照到西湘伯父專心駕船的背影.)
The only person who didn't show up in my camera was Uncle Hisham. Thanks Uncle Hisham for taking us everywhere on his boat. So sorry that I didn't include you in any of the pictures I took. (Actually, Uncle Hisham was in one of the pictures in "Lake Cumberland Trip Part 2," but he was not facing the camera......)

附注: 經過三天的水上活動, 小肉包曬出了一身古銅色的肌膚, 打開大腿的皺折還可以明顯地看到白白一條呢! 現在可不是白面書生, 而是陽光美男子了.
Note: After three days of water activities, Hasan got beautiful sun tan. You can even see the un-exposed porton in the wrinkles of his legs. Now he's really a sunny boy!

康伯蘭湖之旅第四部 - 再度上船 Lake Cumberland Trip Part 4 - Returning to the Boat

第四天我們又上了西湘伯父的游艇. 小肉包這回可熟練了, 一上船就睡得東倒西歪, 醒來之後又和爸爸下去泡了好一會兒. 果然他喜歡康伯蘭湖勝過兒童池.
The next day we went boating again. Hasan was feeling much more comfortable on the boat. He went directly to sleep right after we took off. After he woke up, he went down to the water to swim with daddy. Apparently he liked swimming in the lake more than swimming in the kid's pool.

介紹一下西湘伯父一家人熱中的水上活動, 那可不是只有開個游艇去湖裡游幾下而已喔! 上圖是六歲的阿拉亞當堂哥滑水的樣子. 挺有模有樣的吧! 下圖是十四歲的阿拉愛力克斯堂哥騎著水上摩托車載愛打姑姑游湖.
Hasan's cousins loved to spend time in the water. The first picture below was cousin Adam (6) water skiing. The second picture was cousin Alex riding a jet ski with aunt Aida.

康伯蘭湖之旅第三部 - 兒童池歷險記 Lake Cumberland Trip Part 3 - In the Pool

隔天大家覺得一整天在湖裡泡著太累,了 於是決定休息一天, 改到游泳池泡泡. 阿里和我帶小肉包去兒童池, 想說在那裡他可以和堂哥們以及其他的小朋友一起玩. 沒想到他一點也不喜歡兒童池, 哭得超大聲的. 阿里想說可能是池水太冰了吧! 昨天的湖水有八十多度呢! 相較之下游泳池水就冷多了. (左上方背景是阿拉忍堂哥, 右上方是阿拉愛等堂哥.)
The following day everybody wanted to take a break from boating, so we decided to go to the pool next to the club house. Ali and I took Hasan to the kid's pool, thought that he would like to play with his cousins and other kids. But somehow he hated the pool. He was crying and screaming the whole time. Ali said it's probably because the water was cold - the lake water was above 80 degrees, but the pool water was much colder than that.

最後我們只好把他抱上岸. 一放上推車小肉包馬上就睡得不醒人事, 剛才在兒童池裡的戰鬥可能把他累壞了吧! 也好, 阿里和我可以盡情享受成人池裡泡水的樂趣了!
At the end, we had to give up the kid's pool idea. We put him back to his stroller, and he felt asleep right away. He ended up spending the entire afternoon sleeping by the pool, and finally Ali and I got to enjoy our vacation in the adult's pool.

康伯蘭湖之旅第二部 - 西湘伯父的游艇  Lake Cumberland Trip Part 2 - Uncle Hisham's Boat

第二天一大早我們很早就出發搭乘西湘伯父的游艇去湖上玩. 我很擔心小肉包細嫩的皮膚會曬傷, 所以準備了全套防曬設備, 包括太陽眼鏡, 帽子, 還有高係數防曬油, 防曬油還每小時給他補擦一次, 大家都笑說我太緊張了.
The next day we woke up early and took uncle Hisham's boat to the lake. I was afraid that Hasan would get sun burn, so I prepared everything one can think of to protect him. I brought his sunglasses, his hat, and the SPF 45 sun screen lotion. I was so worried to the extend that I applied sun screen lotion to him every hour. Everybody was laughing at me when they saw me do that.

小肉包很喜歡坐游艇去玩. 他在游艇上吃吃喝喝, 和老爸一起游泳, 又和堂哥堂姊們嘻嘻哈哈的好不快活.
Hasan liked his first boating experience a lot. He was eating in the boat, swimming in the lake, sleeping in the boat, and laughing with his cousins.

左下方的照片中可以看到小肉包腋下的肥肉好幾層, 小肉包這個名號可不是蓋的呢! 右下方的照片是小肉包四歲的堂哥"阿拉愛等"和兩歲的堂哥"阿拉忍".
In the lower left picture, you can see that Hasan was very chubby that he even got wrinkles under his arm when I held him. In the lower right picture were Hasan's cousins Aiden (4) and Zane (2).

小肉包和老爸在湖裡游泳. (愛打姑姑和凱西伯母也有出現在影片中喔!)
This was Hasan swimming with Daddy in the lake......

康伯蘭湖之旅第一部 - 第一次搭飛機  Lake Cumberland Trip Part 1 - First Time Flying

這是小肉包第一次搭飛機, 我們大家都很興奮, 但也很擔心他會因為壓力的變化不舒服而哭鬧. 因為最近機場安檢很嚴格, 我們特地提早到機場等候. 我和阿里在機場的運動酒吧裡點了些東西吃, 順便餵小肉包喝奶. 小肉包一路上都還算心情好, 剛上飛機時稍微哭了一下, 不過飛機一開始滑行, 搖搖晃晃的很像搖籃, 他竟然馬上就睡著了. 這一睡就一直睡到新新那提才醒來, 對我和阿里來講真是再輕鬆不過了!
This was Hasan's first flying experience. We were all very excited but on the other hand worried that Hasan might not feel comfortable on the plane. We went to the airport early, and fed Hasan in a sports bar inside the airport. Hasan was very happy and pleased all the way, and felt asleep right after taking off. He didn't wake up until we landed in Cincinnati. What an easy flight!

August 12, 2006

夢遊澡盆?! Sleeping in the bath tub

今天天氣好, 帶小肉包出去到處亂晃. 下午在曼哈頓和朋友碰頭, 天南地北聊得忘了時間, 小肉包可能太累了, 在回程的車上就已經不支, 都不曉得睡到哪裡去了. 回到家已經九點, 本來是該餵他吃睡前那一餐, 但是看他睡得香甜, 阿里就把他抱到床上繼續睡, 想說過一會他肚子餓就會自己醒來.
We took advantage of the nice weather and took Hasan to Manhattan for a walk. We went to have a cup of coffee with some friends, and by the time we left Manhattan it was already very late. Hasan was probably too tired, so he fell asleep on our way home. We arrived home at 9pm. He was supposed to have his last meal 9:30, but we didn't want to wake him up because he was in deep sleep. We thought that he would wake up later when he was hungry.

我和阿里隨便煮了點簡單的晚餐吃吃. 吃完之後也快十點了, 沒想到小肉包還在睡, 為了怕他半夜肚子餓起來吵我們, 我們決定把他挖起來洗個澡, 讓他清醒一下之後來餵奶.
Ali and I cooked something simple for dinner. After dinner it was almost 10pm, but Hasan was still sleeping. We were afraid that he's gonna wake up hungry in the middle of the night, so we decided to wake him up to give him a bath and feed him the last bottle.

但是這小子還真厲害, 竟然連洗澡也有辦法睡覺, 可能真的累到了吧? 好笑之餘也覺得對小肉包不好意思, 被我們搞得這麼累......
But this guy was funny......he could even sleep in the bath tub. He must be really tired......

August 05, 2006

新技倆 New trick

This guy seems to like his own feet very much......

August 04, 2006

小肉包的健身房 Hasan's gym

阿里和我覺得小肉包平時在家也挺無聊的, 最近天氣又很熱. 沒辦法常帶他去散步, 於是就買了一個嬰兒健身房給他, 想讓他打發打發時間順便鍛鍊肌肉.
We thought that Hasan probably felt bored staying at home all day long. Plus it was too hot to take him out for the past few days, so we bought a baby gym for Hasan to kill some time as well as to exercise his muscle.

嬰兒健身房滿有意思的, 有很多五顏六色的小玩具吸引小朋友的注意, 還有受到震動就會發光發聲的小星星. 小肉包現在還不太會玩玩具, 也不了解讓小星星發光發聲的因果關係, 所以常常一個人很茫然的在健身房裡亂踢一通. 不過我想他應該很快就會知道健身房其實挺好玩的吧!
The baby gym is quite interesting. There are many colorful toys to draw baby's attention, and there is also a motion sensitive activity star. Hasan still doesn't quite know how to play with toys, and he also doesn't understand the cause and effect between his movement and the activity star. Most of the times he just kicks randomly in his gym. But I believe he will soon realize that it's fun to spend time in his gym.

開始上班之後每天都忙到連坐下來和阿里聊聊天的時間都沒有, 更不用說更新網站了. 請大家多包涵啦!
As soon as I started working, I was too busy to even sit down and talk to Ali for 5 minutes every night - not to mention spending time to update this blog. Sorry about this......