May 28, 2008

兩歲的小朋友該施以體罰嗎? Are we supposed to give physical punishment to 2-year-olds?

小肉包正式進入 terrible two 的階段 (之前的胡鬧都還只是前戲而已). 最近他變本加厲, 不但常常咬弟弟或搶弟弟的奶嘴, 還會跟爸爸媽媽唱反調. 叫他不要在媽咪煮飯的時候進廚房他偏要, 爐子上有東西在煮他小手還要去轉瓦斯的開關; 叫他吃飯要坐好不能看電視他也偏要, 硬把電視關掉他就耍賴大哭大叫. 總之爸爸媽媽或褓母阿姨不許他做的事, 他就一定要去做, 很多事情我不讓他做是覺得危險, 另外也不希望他去傷到弟弟.

到底該不該體罰他呢? 希望聽聽大家能投票表示意見, 有時間的話更希望不只投票, 也能留言分享你們的親身經驗.

Should we punish Hasan when he misbehaves? Please vote and/or leave your comment to share your experience.


  1. I vote for yes and that's what Lele got when she is cranky. I usually lock her in her room for five minutes!

  2. Anonymous5:38 AM

    I vote for NO and absolutely NO...Just disengage him from what he was doing and give him some time to chill down (time him out).

    你動了手,對小孩來說是 send out a strong message that it's okay to do the same to others. 許多日後在學校動手的小朋友家裡都有動手的紀錄.


    一但開啟打的教育,孩子就會愈打愈皮.一次比一次更難教育. just my two cents.

  3. Anonymous5:42 AM

    學妹,介紹你一本書 love and logic for early childhood. Hope it helps.

  4. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Children do not know how to misbehave, what they're trying to to is to communicate their needs. Hassan is only two and that's how a two year old learns from the environment around him. He is probably getting into everything because he is curious. A word for the parents, have you guys ever thought to go and take parenting classes? Hope it will help you.

  5. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I vote for no, since kids might just resent you rather than learning their faults. Even if there is physical punishment, explain to them what they did wrong afterward.
