July 20, 2006

到底是誰的小孩? Whose kid is this?

某天傍晚我帶小肉包出去散步. 那天阿里有應酬, 所以沒有一起來. 在電梯裡我們遇到一位鄰居, 她問我小肉包多大了, 我回答快滿三個月了. 她驚訝地說, 真是個大寶寶啊! 接著看了看我, 問到, 你這麼小隻, 這孩子是你生的嗎?
One day I took Hasan out for a walk. Ali went to a party in Manhattan and didn't come with us. In the elevator, Hasan and I met a neighbor. She asked me how old Hasan was. I told her that he's almost three months old. She was very surprised and said "he is a big baby!" And she looked at me, "you are so petite......did he come from you?"

又一天傍晚, 阿里帶小肉包去散步, 我因為偷懶所以沒有跟著去. 他們一樣在電梯裡遇到鄰居, 這位鄰居看小肉包黑頭髮黑眼珠, 再看看阿里, 一臉狐疑的問到, 這是你的孩子嗎?
Another day Ali took Hasan out for a walk. I was too lazy and didn't want to go with them. Again, they met another neighbor in the elevator. He saw Hasan with black hair and brown eyes and Ali with blond hair and green eyes, and asked, "is this your kid?"

那麼, 小肉包到底是誰的小孩呢?
看來只有我們一家三口同時現身, 才能解答大家的疑問了.
So, whose kid is Hasan?
I guess we will be able to answer this question only when the three of us show up together......

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:42 AM

    你們的鄰居是以色列人吧...幹嘛一直搞離間破壞啊 ...哈
