December 06, 2011

煩惱送甚麼禮物給小朋友嗎? 請看這裡...

聖誕節即將來臨,送禮名單上有小朋友的人又得傷腦筋了。到底送甚麼禮物才能贏得孩子們的歡心,又能達到寓教於樂的目的呢? NAGC (National Association for Gifted Children) 發表了一份 2011 toys and games review 供大家作參考。

(以下摘錄自 NAGC's 2011 toys and games review)

1. HexBug Nano®: Raceway Habitat Set
Manufacturer: Innovation First International
Manufacturer’s Recommended Age: 3+
MSRP: $49.99
“The game was awesome like I expected. I want more of it!”
This product was a favorite because students were familiar with HexBugs (micro robotic creatures that scuttle along on vibrating legs). The kit consists of snap-together pieces to create all sorts of habitats to race the HexBugs and is an addition to the series.

2. Folkmanis® Puppet, Twickety
Manufacturer: Folkmanis®
MSRP: $33.99
“Twickety is large and brightly colored with soft fur that makes him an excellent snuggle companion.”
All the puppets were overwhelmingly immediate favorites. Students commented that the puppets were inviting because they looked friendly or whimsical—and they could be interesting friends.

3. Palette: How Colorful is Your Memory?
Manufacturer: Fat Brain Toy Co.®
Manufacturer’s Recommended Age: 6+
Number of players: 2–4
MSRP: $24.99
“When you finish the game you will want to play more. I rate this game excellent because it is a hard, but a rewarding challenge.”
Can you look at a color for 5 seconds, remember the hue, and match it to a color wheel? That’s what players do in this quick-moving game that encourages color discrimination and memory.

4. The Magic Labyrinth
Manufacturer: Playroom Entertainment®
Manufacturer’s Recommended Age: 6+
Number of players: 2–4
MSRP: $29.99
“This is a great game for families.”
This memory game is easier to play than to describe! First build a maze by placing blocking walls within the game box. Then cover the maze with the game board and discover ways to navigate your magnetized piece across the board, picking up as many objects as you can without bumping into the walls hidden beneath.

5. Star-Ball®
Manufacturer: Creative Whack Company
Manufacturer’s Recommended Age: 8+
Number of Players: 1 or more
MSRP: $35.00
“This game is made for people who are creative and love to build. I really like Star-Ball!”
Star-Ball is the newest addition to the Ball of Whacks series. The challenge is to put the 32 five-legged magnetic star pieces together to form a ball.

6. Tilt
Manufacturer: ThinkFun
Manufacturer’s Recommended Age: 8+
Number of players: 1
MSRP: $19.99
“I would recommend this game to kids with fast brains.”
This spatial reasoning game has progressively challenging levels that require the player to figure out how to maneuver the correct moving piece into the hole without any of the other pieces falling in or blocking it. It’s great for travel (the pieces come in a pouch), and games can be played in competition (each player with his or her TILT puzzle).

7. Pirate Versus Pirate
Manufacturer: Out of the Box® Publishing
Manufacturer’s Recommended Age: 8+
Number of players: 2–3
MSRP: $27.99
“... a fun game with all the characteristics of a pirate cartoon. It has treasure, imagination, and travel.”
Pirate players rush to claim the coins and return the treasure to their ship in this sturdy, fast-paced game of strategy and attack.

8. Pirate Plank
Manufacturer: LEGO®
Manufacturer’s Recommended Age: 7+
MSRP: $14.99
“This game is both fun and fantastic with very awesome and funny rules.”
Pirate Plank is a game to build, play, and change, again and again. The goal is to be the last pirate on the plank, while sending the other pirates into a shark-infested sea. There are many ways to play, and the manual encourages players to modify and make the game their own.

9. Mirror Mansion
Manufacturer: Simply Fun
Manufacturer’s Recommended Age: 6+
Number of Players: 2–4
MSRP: $38.00
This game is based on the geometry of angles and the science of reflection. Using mirrors, the players explore Mirror Mansion looking for hidden treasures.

10. Lab Mice Puzzles
Manufacturer: MindWare®
Manufacturer’s Recommended Age: 8+
Number of Players: 1
MSRP: $16.95
“Even grown adults would like this! It’s hard but it’s fun, too!”
This set of fun, attractive logic puzzles comes on dry-erase cards that can be used again and again. When two decks are used, the puzzles are fun to solve competitively.

另外推薦 Becca 阿姨送給小朋友們的 "Appletters",這個遊戲不僅適合正在學拼字的學齡兒童,連我和阿里也很愛玩。我們兩個都是唸完大學才來美國的留學生,英文字彙遠比不上以英文為母語的本地人,晚上孩子睡著後,我們倆常常相約花個半小時玩一盤,幾天下來字彙還增長不少呢! 剛開始學拼字的弟弟也超愛玩的,最近早上總是快快的穿好衣服吃完早餐,趁上學前硬擠出十分鐘來約我玩一盤,Appletters 真是個適合全家同樂的遊戲!

最後當然不忘了推薦我們家兩兄弟最喜歡的玩具兼教具 - BambinoLUK 和 MiniLUK,詳細的介紹和兩兄弟的試玩經驗請看這裡

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