September 14, 2006

最近很會翻 Rolling Over

最近小肉包翻身的速度愈來愈快. 常常我一個轉頭就發現他已經翻過來, 睡覺時更是睡得不知道翻到哪裡去了. 每次放下去睡的時候明明是這個姿勢......
Recently Hasan rolls over very quickly. He can roll over even when he is sleeping. Usually I put him down to his crib in this position......

However, in the morning he is usually in this position......

不僅從正面翻到反面, 還從直的轉成橫的, 那顆小小的頭很可憐的頂在角落, 而且連被子都不知道踢到哪去了. (這被子是照相前我才替他蓋上的.)
Not only he rolls over from front to back, he also turns 90 degrees with his head against the corner of the crib. He also kicks off his blanket completely. (I just covered him before I took this picture......)

September 08, 2006

舅舅的婚禮 Uncle Joe's Wedding

Finally we have a nice family picture!

話說這天我們去參加我弟的婚禮. 本來想說一整天出門在外, 小肉包一定會因為吃睡不定時而吵鬧, 沒想到小肉包當天從頭到尾都笑臉迎人, 鋒頭之健簡直直逼舅舅和舅媽, 所有單身女性都搶著要跟他照相. 小肉包一開始還西裝筆挺, 後來熱到連褲子都脫了, 包著尿布和阿姨們開心的相擁跳舞, 真是好不快樂啊!
Last Sunday we went to my brother Joe's wedding. I was worried that Hasan might be fuzzy because we had to leave home in the morning and stay there until midnight. Surprisingly, Hasan was smiling to everyone all day long. All single ladies wanted to take pictures with Hasan - to the extend that he almost stole uncle Joe's thunder! He was wearing a tux at the beginning, but it became too hot and we had to take off his pants. He was wearing a diaper and dacing with ladies happily. What a day!

只是大家有沒有覺得奇怪, 為什麼幾乎每一張小肉包和漂亮阿姨們的照片裡都有阿里的身影呢? 怪不得那天回家後阿里對我說: "早知道生個小孩會給我帶來這麼多與漂亮美眉合照的機會, 我二十年前就生小孩了!"
But do you wonder why Ali was in almost every picture with Hasan and pretty ladies? That's why Ali told me at the end of the day, "if I knew having a baby would bring me so close to these pretty ladies, I would have had babies 20 years ago!"

其他的照片請到 瀏覽.
Please go to for other wedding pictures.

September 02, 2006

好好吃! I love solid food!

經過四天的特訓, 小肉包終於可以接受副食品了, 還挺愛吃的呢! 嘴巴會自己湊到湯匙旁邊喔! (還是因為喜歡給珍妮阿姨餵呢?)
After four days of training, Hasan finally knows how to swallow solid food. He actually likes barley very much and even moves his mouth next to the spoon! (Maybe it's because he likes aunt Jenny!)