July 24, 2006

赫聲的新造型 Hasan's new style

最近太陽愈來愈烈, 我上網幫小肉包訂購了一付太陽眼鏡, 超酷的吧!
It's getting hotter and hotter everyday. I ordered a sunglasses for Hasan. Isn't it cool?

ps. 再兩天就要回去上班了, 真難過......
ps. I can't believe I am going back to work in two days. That sucks......

July 21, 2006

假期結束 Vacation is over

小肉包出生到現在已經滿十二週了. 前幾天MetLife打電話來, 問我有沒有需要延長產假, 提醒了我下禮拜就得銷假上班的事實. 雖然褓姆已經找好了, 心理準備卻還沒做好. 一來是這十幾個禮拜幾乎是天天睡到早上十點, 接下來每天必須早起實在是很痛苦. 二則想到以後白天一整天都無法看到小肉包, 褓姆卻可以一整天和小肉包在一起, 有點心酸酸. 小肉包該不會忘了媽咪吧?
It has been twelve weeks since Hasan was born. A couple days ago I received a phone call from MetLife, asking if I needed to take additional non-paid leave. This reminded me that my maternity leave is going to end next week. Even though we have already found a nanny to take care of Hasan, I am not ready to return to work yet. First of all, I have been sleeping a lot everyday during the past few weeks. It is going to be difficult for me to wake up early and go to work. Secondly, I can't imagine what it would be like not to see Hasan for more than 10 hours a day. Hasan is going to spend a lot of time with the nanny everyday - is he going to be close to the nanny and forget about mommy?

今天偶然瀏覽小肉包剛出世時的相片, 發現短短三個月之內小肉包的外表竟然變了好多, 怪不得說一眠大一吋呢! 剛出生的時候長得和我小時候一模一樣, 現在卻愈來愈像爸爸了, 胖嘟嘟的愈來愈可愛囉! 還沒有見過小肉包的爺爺奶奶和外公一定很想趕快抱到小肉包吧? 別擔心, 很快就會見到面囉!
Today I was reviewing the photos we took when Hasan was just born. Hasan's appearance changed quite a lot within three months. No wonder the old Chinese saying goes, "babies grow one inch with each nap they take." When he was just born, he looked exactly like me when I was a baby, but now he looks more and more like his daddy. He is so chubby and so cute. Grandma and grandpa are probably hoping to hold Hasan as soon as possible. Don't worry, you will meet Hasan very soon!

左邊這張是剛出生幾分鐘的照片. 頭型還看得出因為剛通過產道有點變型.
The left one was taken a few minutes after Hasan was born. You can still see the weird shape of his head due to the pressure from the birth canal.

未滿一個月的時候, 眼睛常常都張不開, 也不太會笑.
Hasan couldn't really open his eyes and make different facial expressions in his first month.

July 20, 2006

到底是誰的小孩? Whose kid is this?

某天傍晚我帶小肉包出去散步. 那天阿里有應酬, 所以沒有一起來. 在電梯裡我們遇到一位鄰居, 她問我小肉包多大了, 我回答快滿三個月了. 她驚訝地說, 真是個大寶寶啊! 接著看了看我, 問到, 你這麼小隻, 這孩子是你生的嗎?
One day I took Hasan out for a walk. Ali went to a party in Manhattan and didn't come with us. In the elevator, Hasan and I met a neighbor. She asked me how old Hasan was. I told her that he's almost three months old. She was very surprised and said "he is a big baby!" And she looked at me, "you are so petite......did he come from you?"

又一天傍晚, 阿里帶小肉包去散步, 我因為偷懶所以沒有跟著去. 他們一樣在電梯裡遇到鄰居, 這位鄰居看小肉包黑頭髮黑眼珠, 再看看阿里, 一臉狐疑的問到, 這是你的孩子嗎?
Another day Ali took Hasan out for a walk. I was too lazy and didn't want to go with them. Again, they met another neighbor in the elevator. He saw Hasan with black hair and brown eyes and Ali with blond hair and green eyes, and asked, "is this your kid?"

那麼, 小肉包到底是誰的小孩呢?
看來只有我們一家三口同時現身, 才能解答大家的疑問了.
So, whose kid is Hasan?
I guess we will be able to answer this question only when the three of us show up together......

July 19, 2006

又抓傷了 Another scratch

繼兩週前抓傷臉頰之後, 昨天晚上小肉包又再度抓傷自己的鼻子. 這次可不是阿里的錯了, 因為指甲才剛剪過而已, 怎麼抓傷的我們實在是想不透, 只好在睡前給他戴上小手套. 天氣很熱, 但是誰叫你一直抓傷自己呢? 傷口還是月型的, 真酷......
Hasan just scratched his cheek two weeks ago. Last night, he scratched his nose again and left a small red mark. It wasn't Ali's fault this time because he just cut Hasan's finger nails not too long ago. We just couldn't figure out how he scratched himself. Finally, we decided to put his mits on before he went to bed. I know it was hot, baby, but what else could we do to prevent you from scratching yoursef?

半夜起來幫小肉包蓋被子, 沒想到踢被就算了, 竟然連兩隻手套都不知道被甩到哪裡去了, 真是厲害啊! 這下媽咪可不知道還能怎麼辦了......
I woke up to check on Hasan. Not only he kicked his blanket away, but he lost both of his mits as well. He must have known some kind of Kung-Fu! Now I really don't know what else I can do......

July 17, 2006

聊聊天吧! Let's chat!

小肉包和爸爸聊起天來了. 好像有點雞同鴨講就是了......
Hasan was chatting with daddy. Not sure if they really understood each other......

July 14, 2006

中東危機 Crisis in the Middle East

這兩天家裡的電視幾乎是二十四小時播放黎巴嫩和以色列互相轟炸的新聞. 今天早上我們依舊打開CNN, 聽著相關的報導. 小肉包突然非常激動地揮舞著手腳, 並發表了簡短的演説......
We have bee following the news about Lebanon and Israel for the past two days. This morning we were still watching CNN, listening to the latest situation. All of a sudden, Hasan became all excited, waving his arms and legs, and gave us a brief speech......

該不會是一直聽到自己的名字出現在新聞報導中, 有感而發吧? (綁架兩名以色列士兵的黎巴嫩領袖也叫做Hassan.) 還是擔心未謀面的爺爺奶奶的安全呢?
Was it because he kept hearing his name in the news report? Or was it because he was worried about his grandpa and grandma?

July 13, 2006

超級比一比 I am a big baby now!

左邊這張照片是小肉包大約十天大的時候照的. 那時候穿這套衣服看起來好像在穿布袋一樣, 袖子還要捲起來. 熊熊那時候看起來和小肉包差不多大.
The left one was taken when Hasan was about 10 days old. The clothes were too big for him as if he was wearing a big bag. We even had to roll his sleeves up. He looked almost the same size as the teddy bear.

右邊這張是今天照的. 小肉包現在兩個半月大了, 身高和體重都增加不少, 不僅比熊熊高出很多, 連内衣穿起來都變成緊身衣了.
The right one was taken today, when Hasan was two and half months old. He grew both vertically and horizontally. Not only he became much taller than the teddy bear, he also gained much weight that his body suit looked so tight!

PS. 照右邊這張照片時小肉包正在"嗯嗯"中, 所以看起來一臉"結屎面".
PS. When I took the picture today, Hasan was having bowel movement. That's why he had this "poop face".

July 11, 2006

年度最上鏡頭獎 - 葉赫聲! Annual cute kid winner - Hasan Arar!

攝影: 阿拉太太
造型: 阿里巴巴
模特兒: 葉赫聲
評語: 模特兒表情生動自然, 攝影師時間及角度抓得剛剛好, 造型也很有特色
Photographer: Portia Arar
Stylist: Ali Arar
Model: Hasan Arar
Remark: Cute smile, nice timing and angle, great hair style

攝影師自評: 難得有幾張照片沒有照模糊掉, 小肉包也真配合, 笑得好可愛, 媽咪超想把這兩張照片送去參加比賽, 但是不知道要送到哪裡去耶......
Photographer: Most of my pictures were somewhat blurred. These were two of the clear ones. Hasan was also very cooperative with this super cute smile. Mommy so wanted to send these two pictures to some baby contest, but didn't know where to send......

ps. 阿里頭髮剪得好啊! 可以去開小兒理髮店了......
ps. Nice haircut, Ali! You can open an infant barber shop......

世足決賽 - 法國對戰義大利 World cup final game - France v.s. Italy

今天是個大日子喔! 世足決賽法國對上義大利, 爸爸和我早早就準備好飲料和點心, 打算準時收看精彩大對決!
Today was an important day! France was playing Italy at FIFA World Cup Final Game. Daddy and I already got drinks and snacks prepared, ready to watch this super game!

爸爸叫媽咪爆爆米花給我們吃, 自己坐在沙發上動也不動, 媽咪就不爽了, 說爸爸是懶骨頭, 才會這麼胖, 還叫我不要學爸爸, 才不會以後變成小胖子.
Daddy was lying on the couch and asking mommy to make some popcorn for us. Mommy was mad at daddy because daddy was too lazy. She said this was why daddy became so fat. Mommy also reminded me not to learn from daddy. Otherwise I will become a chubby boy one day.

不過, 媽咪最後還是切了一大盤西瓜給爸爸, 還幫我泡了牛奶, 媽咪說爆米花不健康, 吃西瓜就好了. (媽咪對爸爸還是不錯的啦!)
But at the end, mommy still cut some watermelon for daddy. She also made me a bottle of formula. Mommy said watermelon was better than popcorn for daddy's health concern.
(I think deep down mommy still cared about daddy very much!)

我和爸爸支持法國隊, 結果卻輸了, 爸爸看得好生氣喔! 我反正也看不懂, 只顧著喝我的飲料, 誰贏都一樣啦!
Daddy and I supported France, but they lost in the game. Daddy was very disappointed. I didn't understand it anyway. It didn't matter to me which team won the game - I was just enjoying my drink!