December 14, 2007

當小肉包遇上小可可 When Hasan met Kareem

小肉包和可可在醫院的第一次相遇. 小肉包其實很愛護可可, 一點也沒有忌妒或吃醋的樣子, 但是我們家這隻蠻牛常常搞不清自己的力氣有多大, 也搞不清弟弟還很小很軟這件事, 所以每次要抱抱弟弟或親親弟弟的時候常常整個人就壓在弟弟身上, 我都很擔心弟弟會被這隻蠻牛壓扁.
This was the first time when Hasan met Kareem in the hospital. Hasan loves Kareem very much and doesn't show any sign of jealousy at all. But the problem is he doesn't know how much strength he has and how small and soft Kareem is. Every time when he wants to hold Kareem or kiss Kareem, he moves all his body on top of Kereem.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:39 PM

    可可乾兒子超可愛 眼睛大大像爸爸 單眼皮像媽咪 呵呵:) 但小肉包越來越帥啦 而且好懂事可以照顧可可弟弟了! 真希望可以早一天飛去看看我的乾兒子呢~^^
