December 12, 2014



從台灣回來後,不小心讀到了小肉包在學校寫的一篇文章,才發現原來我一整個多慮了。老媽不在身邊的感恩節,這小子可是開心得很! 小肉包作文向來精闢簡潔,能用一句話講完的事情,他絕對不會寫成兩句話,用字遣詞也總是很直白,從來顧不得修飾,也很少帶入任何情緒上的用詞。這篇描述感恩節的作文一反常態,整整寫了三大張紙,連老師都嚇了一跳,不僅給了 A+ 的成績,評語還寫了一個大大的 「Wow!」 難得有此抒發他老兄大好心情的佳作,特別收錄在這裡紀念一下。

Title: Best Thanksgiving

It was a great Thanksgiving for my family.  My mom was out of the house (老母眉批: 寫這樣老師搞不好以為我是被逐出家門還是怎樣咧! 而且這句話接在第一句話的後面,讀起來好像都是因為老媽不在家,全家人才有個美好的感恩節,氣...) and we went to two houses.  We did not throw a feast at our house though.  I had a great time!  I had a lot of food and a lot of play too!  Plus I made a friend.  So it was a great day for me.  There was also TONS of desserts and candy.  The friend was fun to play with.  Keep reading to find out her name.  (老母眉批: 你以為你在寫廣播劇啊? 還想吊人胃口, keep reading to find out her name 咧...)

We had a lot of fun at the first house!  The friend I made was named Amber, but she told us to call her Raven.  (老母眉批: 這是藝名嗎?)  We were also playing with nerf guns.  I got a long gun.  There were about 5 guns in all, but no one took the zombie strike gun.  We took the plain guns.  (老母眉批: 關於 nerf gun 的情況也介紹得太詳細了吧?)  There was also a ping-pong table and a pool table, plus they also had the Wii, but we didn't play with it.  When we (meaning me, Kareem, and Amber or Raven) went to the pool table we were just playing.  So Amber and Kareem were throwing balls and I was trying to protect one of the holes so they could not get the balls inside the hole.  Depending on what number was on the ball that got in was the number of points they got.  For example, number 15 got 15 points and 1 got 1 point.  But the white ball got them one hundred points.  They got the white ball in a couple times, but they didn't get it in a lot.  They got the one ball in the most out of every ball in the set.  So after that, me, Kareem, and Amber went back down to play ping-pong.  Kareem won 5 to 3 against Amber when we were playing, and I won Kareem 6 to 5.  (老母眉批: 難得廢話這麼多...)

It was time for dinner and sweet smells of turkey filled the house.  (老師評語: super!)  Along side the turkey was gravy, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, with the smell of freshly baking apple pie.  So we floated over to the table to sit down.  We sat next to each other and we ate.  I ate a lot of macaroni and cheese, gravy, raspberry sauce, chicken, Fanta soda, and of course turkey!  After we cleared my plates we went down for ten minutes then we came up for dessert!  Amber's mom made delicious little cakes that had cream inside, chocolate on top, and you could fit one in your mouth all at once.  (阿里爸爸眉批: Amber 她媽說是親手做的,可是那甜點超精緻,根本就跟買來的一樣,令人非常懷疑。)  And there were also lemon squares, donuts, and even ice cream!  That's not all.  Apple pie, and banana cake were also dessert.  When we said "goodbye" we left.  (老母眉批: 好令人嚇一跳的轉折啊....完全沒有心理準備,這一段就這樣結束了!)

That was not the end of our journey on Thanksgiving, though.  We still had one more house to visit.  It was my dad's aunt's house.  It was far away luckily.  (老母眉批: 為什麼這樣會很 lucky 呢?)  We went because her husband went to the hospital 4 or 5 times in the summer so dad promised to see them.  (阿里爸爸眉批: 好可怕....以後千萬不能在小孩面前亂講話,他們極有可能把家裡的醜事都寫在作文裡面!)

When we got there, there kids were playing wrestling with there uncle.  We were then wrestling, too.  Then we left.  (老母眉批: 又是一個很莫名其妙的結尾!)

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