May 25, 2007

從遊戲中學習 Learning from games

這個玩具是阿里的朋友在小肉包三四個月大的時候就送他了, 但是小肉包一直都只把這些不同形狀的小積木當作奶嘴的替代品, 整天放在嘴裡吸呀吸的. 直到今天, 在褓母阿姨的帶領下, 他終於知道這東西該怎麼玩了. (要把不同形狀的積木放進一樣形狀的洞洞裡.)
Hasan got this toy as a gift since he was 3, 4 months old. But he always used those blocks as a pacifier subsititute - putting them into his mouth all the time. Today, under nanny's guidance, he finally knew how to play with this toy. (Basically he needs to put different shapes of blocks into different shapes of holes.)

當然褓母阿姨有作弊啦! 都先把桶子轉到正確的形狀才讓小肉包放下去. 不過我覺得最有意思的是小肉包在成功的把積木放進桶子後的動作. 他自己會很得意的拍拍手, 好像自己剛完成了一件很了不起的事一樣, 真是個樂觀的孩子.
Of course our nanny was cheating a bit. She always turned the bucket so that the shape matches the block Hasan was holding. But what's interesting is that Hasan always laughed and clapped his hands every time he put in a block, as if he just finished something great. He must be a very optimistic kid.

最進更新部落格的速度有點慢, 因為懷了第二胎, 目前正處於會累, 嗜睡的階段. 希望親朋好友見諒囉!
I didn't update the blog very often lately, because I am in the pregnancy stage which I feel tired and sleepy all the time. Please bear with me and keep supporting Hasan's blog!

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