很早已前就會媽媽媽媽的叫, 但是最近開始發音變得愈來愈標準(馬麻), 而且叫得很親熱, 聽了真的很舒服. 叫爸爸(把拔)也很標準囉!
Hasan started calling mama long time ago, but recently his pronunciation became more accurate (in Mandarin). He is also pronouncing daddy correctly!
June 19, 2007
小帥哥 Handsome Hasan
上次在網站上放了這張鳳梨頭的照片之後, 接到無數叫我和阿里替小肉包剪頭髮的請命, 說是夏天到了頭髮還留這麼長, 而且頭髮又亂得跟鳳梨一樣, 不太雅觀.
After I posted this picture to the blog, many people have called to request a haircut for Hasan. They were saying that it's cooler to have shorter hair in the summer, especially when Hasan's hair style looked like a pineapple.
其實小肉包的頭髮真的很漂亮, 自然捲度剛剛好, 幫他梳一梳頭之後看起來帥得很, 完全不像鳳梨囉! 我和阿里決定等前面的劉海遮到眼睛之後再剪, 因為實在捨不得剪掉小肉包的一頭美髮呀!
In fact, Hasan's hair is very beautiful with natural curl. If we comb it after shower, he looks so handsome and not like a pineapple anymore. Ali and I decide not to cut it until it covers Hasan's eyes, because we love his hair!

After I posted this picture to the blog, many people have called to request a haircut for Hasan. They were saying that it's cooler to have shorter hair in the summer, especially when Hasan's hair style looked like a pineapple.
其實小肉包的頭髮真的很漂亮, 自然捲度剛剛好, 幫他梳一梳頭之後看起來帥得很, 完全不像鳳梨囉! 我和阿里決定等前面的劉海遮到眼睛之後再剪, 因為實在捨不得剪掉小肉包的一頭美髮呀!
In fact, Hasan's hair is very beautiful with natural curl. If we comb it after shower, he looks so handsome and not like a pineapple anymore. Ali and I decide not to cut it until it covers Hasan's eyes, because we love his hair!
June 16, 2007
海邊戲水 At the beach
三週前我們帶小肉包到海邊玩, 那是小肉包出生以來第二次去海灘 (第一次是在墾丁,) 他很討厭沙子, 一踩上去就哇哇大叫, 吵著要我們抱, 只願意在我們舖的毛巾上面玩, 不肯碰沙子.
Three weeks ago we took Hasan to Jones Beach. That was Hasan's second time at the beach, (the first time was at KenTing, Taiwan.) He hated the beach so much that he couldn't stop crying and asking as to hold him all the time. He only wanted to stay on the towel and didn't want to touch the sand at all.
今天爸爸又想帶他去海邊玩, 想訓練他不要害怕沙子. 我本來想說可能需要花一點時間來說服他走到沙上去, 沒想到今天一到海邊, 他就自己開始玩沙了, 小孩子真是奇怪啊!
Today daddy wanted to take him to the beach to train him not to be afraid of the sand. I thought it might need some time to make him feel comfortable, but he started playing with the sand as soon as we arrived the beach today. Kids are really hard to predict......

我們在旁邊找到別的小朋友留下的小鏟子和小桶子, 小肉包就自己玩了起來.
We found some toys on the beach, and Hasan was happy paying with them.
爸爸趁小肉包用小鏟子鏟沙不注意的時候, 把他的下半身整個埋到沙子裡了.
Daddy covered Hasan's lower body with sand, and Hasan didn't even notice that.
Three weeks ago we took Hasan to Jones Beach. That was Hasan's second time at the beach, (the first time was at KenTing, Taiwan.) He hated the beach so much that he couldn't stop crying and asking as to hold him all the time. He only wanted to stay on the towel and didn't want to touch the sand at all.
今天爸爸又想帶他去海邊玩, 想訓練他不要害怕沙子. 我本來想說可能需要花一點時間來說服他走到沙上去, 沒想到今天一到海邊, 他就自己開始玩沙了, 小孩子真是奇怪啊!
Today daddy wanted to take him to the beach to train him not to be afraid of the sand. I thought it might need some time to make him feel comfortable, but he started playing with the sand as soon as we arrived the beach today. Kids are really hard to predict......
我們在旁邊找到別的小朋友留下的小鏟子和小桶子, 小肉包就自己玩了起來.
We found some toys on the beach, and Hasan was happy paying with them.
爸爸趁小肉包用小鏟子鏟沙不注意的時候, 把他的下半身整個埋到沙子裡了.
Daddy covered Hasan's lower body with sand, and Hasan didn't even notice that.
June 14, 2007
犯罪現場 Crime Scene
通常我下班回家之後, 小肉包都會一直粘著我不放. 但今天我進廚房準備晚餐有好一陣子了, 他都沒有跟到廚房來, 也沒有聽到他的聲音. 我知道這表示他在做壞事, 所以拿了攝影機, 想拍下他在搞什麼鬼.
Usually Hasan likes to spend time with me after I come home from work. This afternoon, I had been spending some time in the kitchen to prepare dinner. Not only he didn't follow me to the kitchen, but he didn't make any noise whatsoever. I knew he was up to something bad, so I took the camera hoping to find out what he was doing.
這傢伙把自己的衣服從抽屜裡全部拖了出來. 當我生氣地訓斥他的時候, 又很狗腿地抱著我的大腿猛親, 真的是服了他了......
Turned out that he pulled all his clothes from the drawers. When I yelled at him, he started kissing my legs repeatedly. This is Hasan......
Usually Hasan likes to spend time with me after I come home from work. This afternoon, I had been spending some time in the kitchen to prepare dinner. Not only he didn't follow me to the kitchen, but he didn't make any noise whatsoever. I knew he was up to something bad, so I took the camera hoping to find out what he was doing.
這傢伙把自己的衣服從抽屜裡全部拖了出來. 當我生氣地訓斥他的時候, 又很狗腿地抱著我的大腿猛親, 真的是服了他了......
Turned out that he pulled all his clothes from the drawers. When I yelled at him, he started kissing my legs repeatedly. This is Hasan......
June 11, 2007
舊影片 An old video
今天閒來無事, 在電腦裡找到這段舊影片. 這是今年三月我們回台灣時, 在台北 101 拍的. 小肉包已經累得不行了, 但是還是很想吃巧克力蛋糕. 實在是太好笑了.
I found this old video clip in my computer today. This was taken when we went to Taiwan in March. We went to Taipei 101, and Hasan was so sleepy because it was his nap time. But the chocolate was too attractive.....
I found this old video clip in my computer today. This was taken when we went to Taiwan in March. We went to Taipei 101, and Hasan was so sleepy because it was his nap time. But the chocolate was too attractive.....
禮拜六早上, 爸爸和小肉包一起陪我去婦產科醫生那兒. 診所十點開門, 我們排的是十點的第一輪門診. 不過這天醫生遲到, 一直到十點半都還沒來, 候診室已經擠滿了孕婦和一些陪診的先生們了. 小肉包一進候診室就開始他的例行公事, 向坐在椅子上的眾人們伸出他的小手, 從第一個一直握到最後一個, 大家都笑得快翻了. 握玩了之後就開始表演才藝, 跳跳舞加上恭喜恭喜, 搞得大家雖然等醫生等了很久, 但是心情還是很好.
下午我們帶他去公園玩, 天氣好的時候公園裡有三隻會噴水的青蛙, 小肉包最喜歡去那裡玩水, 但是這天氣溫比較低, 青蛙沒有噴水, 他分別跑到三隻青蛙的面前, 摸來摸去摸了半天, 確認他們沒有在噴水之後, 非常失望, 於是轉移目標到坐在長椅上的一排家長們面前, 又開始他的市長巡禮, 一個一個握起手來. 我和爸爸不得不跟在他後面善後, 在小肉包握玩手跑掉之後跟大家應景地聊聊天, 因此認識了不少朋友.
禮拜天下午又去另外一個公園玩, 當然又少不了握手的場面, 更爆笑的是, 搭地鐵回家的路上, 他坐在推車裡面, 又開始向大家伸出友誼的小手. 但是因為他被綁在推車裡面不能走動, 當他伸出手時, 很多陌生人竟然稍稍移動自己的身子, 彎下腰來和他握手, 看來他真的是有某種魅力呢! 有一位小姐就跟我們說, 你兒子真像是市長出巡. 握完手之後, 他坐在推車裡開始跳舞, 隨著地鐵上下晃動而搖頭擺腦的, 笑壞了一車子的乘客.
爸爸和我一致覺得, 以小肉包的個性, 去上學之後一定是會競選學生會主席的那種小孩子! 可惜這些握手的畫面不好拍下來, (因為會拍的陌生人所以我覺得不好意思,) 不然真的很想放在部落格上面給大家看看小肉包市長的風采!
下午我們帶他去公園玩, 天氣好的時候公園裡有三隻會噴水的青蛙, 小肉包最喜歡去那裡玩水, 但是這天氣溫比較低, 青蛙沒有噴水, 他分別跑到三隻青蛙的面前, 摸來摸去摸了半天, 確認他們沒有在噴水之後, 非常失望, 於是轉移目標到坐在長椅上的一排家長們面前, 又開始他的市長巡禮, 一個一個握起手來. 我和爸爸不得不跟在他後面善後, 在小肉包握玩手跑掉之後跟大家應景地聊聊天, 因此認識了不少朋友.
禮拜天下午又去另外一個公園玩, 當然又少不了握手的場面, 更爆笑的是, 搭地鐵回家的路上, 他坐在推車裡面, 又開始向大家伸出友誼的小手. 但是因為他被綁在推車裡面不能走動, 當他伸出手時, 很多陌生人竟然稍稍移動自己的身子, 彎下腰來和他握手, 看來他真的是有某種魅力呢! 有一位小姐就跟我們說, 你兒子真像是市長出巡. 握完手之後, 他坐在推車裡開始跳舞, 隨著地鐵上下晃動而搖頭擺腦的, 笑壞了一車子的乘客.
爸爸和我一致覺得, 以小肉包的個性, 去上學之後一定是會競選學生會主席的那種小孩子! 可惜這些握手的畫面不好拍下來, (因為會拍的陌生人所以我覺得不好意思,) 不然真的很想放在部落格上面給大家看看小肉包市長的風采!
June 08, 2007
才藝表演 My skills
小肉包愈來愈活躍了! 會的東西愈來愈多, 媽媽想讓他展現各項才藝給親朋好友看.
Hasan is becoming more and more active. He has learned a lot of new skills, and mommy wants him to show his skills to family and friends.
這一段是小肉包疊積木. 媽咪今天拍到的正好是小肉包的最高紀錄, 一共疊了四個!
This is Hasan building a tower. Mommy was lucky to video tape Hasan's record by far - 4 blocks!!
這一段是小肉包聞自己的臭腳丫. (這也算是才藝嗎?)
This is Hasan smelling his own foot. (Is this considered a skill?)
這一段是小肉包跳舞. 這顆球裡有二十六首不同的歌, 不過小肉包就是能找到兩隻老虎那首歌的按鈕喔!
This is Hasan dancing. There are 26 different songs in this ball, but somehow Hasan just has the ability to locate the "Brother Jack" song.

最後是小肉包玩球. 只怪媽咪攝影的技術不佳, 沒有抓到精采畫面, 而且有一段還背光黑黑的.
This is Hasan playing ball. (Sorry mommy is really not a good photographer.)
Hasan is becoming more and more active. He has learned a lot of new skills, and mommy wants him to show his skills to family and friends.
這一段是小肉包疊積木. 媽咪今天拍到的正好是小肉包的最高紀錄, 一共疊了四個!
This is Hasan building a tower. Mommy was lucky to video tape Hasan's record by far - 4 blocks!!
這一段是小肉包聞自己的臭腳丫. (這也算是才藝嗎?)
This is Hasan smelling his own foot. (Is this considered a skill?)
這一段是小肉包跳舞. 這顆球裡有二十六首不同的歌, 不過小肉包就是能找到兩隻老虎那首歌的按鈕喔!
This is Hasan dancing. There are 26 different songs in this ball, but somehow Hasan just has the ability to locate the "Brother Jack" song.
最後是小肉包玩球. 只怪媽咪攝影的技術不佳, 沒有抓到精采畫面, 而且有一段還背光黑黑的.
This is Hasan playing ball. (Sorry mommy is really not a good photographer.)
June 04, 2007
外婆和舅舅的生日 Grandma and uncle Joe's birthday celebration
上週末我們到紐澤西替外婆和舅舅慶生. 很久沒有替小肉包照相了, 藉機照了幾張照片.
Last weekend we went to New Jersey to celebrate grandma and uncle Joe's birthdays. I haven't been able to take pictures for Hasan lately. This was a good chance to update some photos.

也和三週大的 Lindsay 小表妹照了一張相喔! 但是小表妹的臉都沒有照到......
Hasan also took a picture with three-week-old cousin Lindsay! But Lindsay's face was not captured......

小肉包最進愈來愈皮, 每天晚上送他上床之後自己都覺得好累, 沒時間寫部落格了. 順便放上一張我的近照 - 秀一下夏天的新髮型和逐漸顯著的肚子.
Hasan became more and more demanding. I felt tired after putting him to sleep every night - no time for updating this blog! This is a recent picture of me - with my new hair and slightly obvious tummy.
Last weekend we went to New Jersey to celebrate grandma and uncle Joe's birthdays. I haven't been able to take pictures for Hasan lately. This was a good chance to update some photos.
也和三週大的 Lindsay 小表妹照了一張相喔! 但是小表妹的臉都沒有照到......
Hasan also took a picture with three-week-old cousin Lindsay! But Lindsay's face was not captured......
小肉包最進愈來愈皮, 每天晚上送他上床之後自己都覺得好累, 沒時間寫部落格了. 順便放上一張我的近照 - 秀一下夏天的新髮型和逐漸顯著的肚子.
Hasan became more and more demanding. I felt tired after putting him to sleep every night - no time for updating this blog! This is a recent picture of me - with my new hair and slightly obvious tummy.
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