Three weeks ago we took Hasan to Jones Beach. That was Hasan's second time at the beach, (the first time was at KenTing, Taiwan.) He hated the beach so much that he couldn't stop crying and asking as to hold him all the time. He only wanted to stay on the towel and didn't want to touch the sand at all.
今天爸爸又想帶他去海邊玩, 想訓練他不要害怕沙子. 我本來想說可能需要花一點時間來說服他走到沙上去, 沒想到今天一到海邊, 他就自己開始玩沙了, 小孩子真是奇怪啊!
Today daddy wanted to take him to the beach to train him not to be afraid of the sand. I thought it might need some time to make him feel comfortable, but he started playing with the sand as soon as we arrived the beach today. Kids are really hard to predict......
我們在旁邊找到別的小朋友留下的小鏟子和小桶子, 小肉包就自己玩了起來.
We found some toys on the beach, and Hasan was happy paying with them.
爸爸趁小肉包用小鏟子鏟沙不注意的時候, 把他的下半身整個埋到沙子裡了.
Daddy covered Hasan's lower body with sand, and Hasan didn't even notice that.
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