繼兩週前抓傷臉頰之後, 昨天晚上小肉包又再度抓傷自己的鼻子. 這次可不是阿里的錯了, 因為指甲才剛剪過而已, 怎麼抓傷的我們實在是想不透, 只好在睡前給他戴上小手套. 天氣很熱, 但是誰叫你一直抓傷自己呢? 傷口還是月型的, 真酷......
Hasan just scratched his cheek two weeks ago. Last night, he scratched his nose again and left a small red mark. It wasn't Ali's fault this time because he just cut Hasan's finger nails not too long ago. We just couldn't figure out how he scratched himself. Finally, we decided to put his mits on before he went to bed. I know it was hot, baby, but what else could we do to prevent you from scratching yoursef?
半夜起來幫小肉包蓋被子, 沒想到踢被就算了, 竟然連兩隻手套都不知道被甩到哪裡去了, 真是厲害啊! 這下媽咪可不知道還能怎麼辦了......
I woke up to check on Hasan. Not only he kicked his blanket away, but he lost both of his mits as well. He must have known some kind of Kung-Fu! Now I really don't know what else I can do......
Hassan is getting more and more adorable now.... such cute baby how could you leave him and go back to work? :-p hehe...