Today was an important day! France was playing Italy at FIFA World Cup Final Game. Daddy and I already got drinks and snacks prepared, ready to watch this super game!
爸爸叫媽咪爆爆米花給我們吃, 自己坐在沙發上動也不動, 媽咪就不爽了, 說爸爸是懶骨頭, 才會這麼胖, 還叫我不要學爸爸, 才不會以後變成小胖子.
Daddy was lying on the couch and asking mommy to make some popcorn for us. Mommy was mad at daddy because daddy was too lazy. She said this was why daddy became so fat. Mommy also reminded me not to learn from daddy. Otherwise I will become a chubby boy one day.
不過, 媽咪最後還是切了一大盤西瓜給爸爸, 還幫我泡了牛奶, 媽咪說爆米花不健康, 吃西瓜就好了. (媽咪對爸爸還是不錯的啦!)
But at the end, mommy still cut some watermelon for daddy. She also made me a bottle of formula. Mommy said watermelon was better than popcorn for daddy's health concern.
(I think deep down mommy still cared about daddy very much!)
我和爸爸支持法國隊, 結果卻輸了, 爸爸看得好生氣喔! 我反正也看不懂, 只顧著喝我的飲料, 誰贏都一樣啦!
Daddy and I supported France, but they lost in the game. Daddy was very disappointed. I didn't understand it anyway. It didn't matter to me which team won the game - I was just enjoying my drink!

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