左邊這張照片是小肉包大約十天大的時候照的. 那時候穿這套衣服看起來好像在穿布袋一樣, 袖子還要捲起來. 熊熊那時候看起來和小肉包差不多大.
The left one was taken when Hasan was about 10 days old. The clothes were too big for him as if he was wearing a big bag. We even had to roll his sleeves up. He looked almost the same size as the teddy bear.
右邊這張是今天照的. 小肉包現在兩個半月大了, 身高和體重都增加不少, 不僅比熊熊高出很多, 連内衣穿起來都變成緊身衣了.
The right one was taken today, when Hasan was two and half months old. He grew both vertically and horizontally. Not only he became much taller than the teddy bear, he also gained much weight that his body suit looked so tight!
PS. 照右邊這張照片時小肉包正在"嗯嗯"中, 所以看起來一臉"結屎面".
PS. When I took the picture today, Hasan was having bowel movement. That's why he had this "poop face".
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