It has been twelve weeks since Hasan was born. A couple days ago I received a phone call from MetLife, asking if I needed to take additional non-paid leave. This reminded me that my maternity leave is going to end next week. Even though we have already found a nanny to take care of Hasan, I am not ready to return to work yet. First of all, I have been sleeping a lot everyday during the past few weeks. It is going to be difficult for me to wake up early and go to work. Secondly, I can't imagine what it would be like not to see Hasan for more than 10 hours a day. Hasan is going to spend a lot of time with the nanny everyday - is he going to be close to the nanny and forget about mommy?
今天偶然瀏覽小肉包剛出世時的相片, 發現短短三個月之內小肉包的外表竟然變了好多, 怪不得說一眠大一吋呢! 剛出生的時候長得和我小時候一模一樣, 現在卻愈來愈像爸爸了, 胖嘟嘟的愈來愈可愛囉! 還沒有見過小肉包的爺爺奶奶和外公一定很想趕快抱到小肉包吧? 別擔心, 很快就會見到面囉!
Today I was reviewing the photos we took when Hasan was just born. Hasan's appearance changed quite a lot within three months. No wonder the old Chinese saying goes, "babies grow one inch with each nap they take." When he was just born, he looked exactly like me when I was a baby, but now he looks more and more like his daddy. He is so chubby and so cute. Grandma and grandpa are probably hoping to hold Hasan as soon as possible. Don't worry, you will meet Hasan very soon!

左邊這張是剛出生幾分鐘的照片. 頭型還看得出因為剛通過產道有點變型.
The left one was taken a few minutes after Hasan was born. You can still see the weird shape of his head due to the pressure from the birth canal.

未滿一個月的時候, 眼睛常常都張不開, 也不太會笑.
Hasan couldn't really open his eyes and make different facial expressions in his first month.