Friday was Hasan's one year birthday. We had a birthday party for him on Saturday, inviting some of daddy and mommy's friends. We put Hasan in his emperor outfit and he looked so cute in it! Of course we also invited some of Hasan's little friends. We had brother-and-sister - 2.5 year old Anthony and 13 month old Sophia, 18-month-old Jeff, and 8-month-old Vidith.
當晚派對的重點是在唱生日快樂歌之後. Vivien 阿姨買了一個蛋糕給小肉包, 我們把小肉包放在高椅子上, 所有的人都圍著他, 一開始他看起來好像很惶恐, 不知道發生什麼事了.
Aunt Vivien bought a cake for Hasan. We put Hasan in his high chair and prepared to cut the cake. Hasan didn't really know what's going on in the beginning because he was the only one sitting there and everybody was standing around him.
後來大家唱起生日快樂歌, 蘇菲亞也獻上一個香吻, 小肉包好不開心啊!
Then everyone was sining happy birthday to him, and Sophia gave him a sweet kiss. Hasan was so happy!
但是這還不是重點. 爸爸下午親手坐了一個巧克力蛋糕, 外面塗上滿滿的巧克力糖霜, 說是黎巴嫩的傳統, 要給長尾巴的小朋友自己吃一整個蛋糕. 我剛看到時都快瘋了, 小肉包長到這麼大, 我都還沒有給他吃過什麼甜食, 現在一下子要給他吃一個蛋糕, 而且還是自己吃, 大家可以想想看是什麼樣子 - 兩隻手還不夠用, 恨不得把頭整個埋到蛋糕裡!
But this was not it. Daddy made a chocolate cake for Hasan with a thick layer of chocolate frosting all over the cake. He told me that this is a Lebanese tradition - to give the birthday boy a whole cake and let him finish it by himself. I almost went crazy because up to this point I didn't really feed Hasan any sweets. But this time daddy gave him a whole cake! You can imagine how happy he was - not only he used his both hands to dig in, he even wanted to put his head in the cake!
最後當然也有抓周的活動. 小肉包選了半天, 抓了他最心愛的寶劍. 根據解釋, 寶劍是說他會身強體壯, 而且會成為傑出的運動員喔! 爸爸聽了希望他成為貝克漢第二, 媽媽我希望是老虎伍茲第二啦! 高爾夫的運動生涯當然比足球長久, 而且也不容易有運動傷害嘛!
We also played this game called "dra-dro." It's a traditional Chinese game that people lay out a bounch of stuffs in front of their kids when they turn 1. And depend on which item they grab, it will predict their future. Hasan spent a little time in front of everything, and he picked up his sword at last. It means that he will be very strong and healthy when he grows up, and he will be a very good athlete. Daddy immediate wanted Hasan to be Beckham, and I wanted him to be Tiger Woods. Golf has a longer career life with less injury, doesn't it?
傑夫一把衝過去毫不猶豫的就抓了那隻蔥, 表示會聰明喔! 蘇菲亞則是抓了計算機, 以後數學會很棒, 有可能成為科學家喔!
Jeff immediately ran over and grabbed the green union. It means that he will be a very smart guy! (In Chinese, the pronunciation of green union sounds like "smart.") Sophia picked up the calculator, which means that she will be very good at math and will be a scientist!
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