It's getting warmer here in New York, so daddy took Hasan to buy his bike equipment when I went to Seattle last week. I didn't like the idea of taking Hasan out for biking when he's still young, but Hasan looks so cute in his helmet. Hasan looks so tiny when taking pictures with daddy......
爸爸帶小肉包到公園去騎車, 把小肉包放在花叢中, 小肉包跟花照相看起來還挺浪漫的呢! 不過爸爸說, 剛把小肉包放到花叢中的時候, 還看得到四五朵花, 一邊照相, 他就一邊摘花, 照到最後剩下一朵花了, 真是破壞王啊!
Daddy took Hasan to bike in the park and took some pictures with Hasan and flowers. It looks like Hasan really enjoyed sitting in flowers! But daddy told me that there were 4 or 5 flowers before he put Hasan down. The more pictures he took, the less flowers there were. At the end there was only 1 flower left. Hasan basically destroyed everything!
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