The next morning we left early for Ken-Ting. Ken-Ting is the famous beach resort area in southern Taiwan. I used to love to go there every summer when I was in college, but it has been almost 4 or 5 years since my last visit. We paid for a driver to take us around. Our first stop was Da-Pang Bay. There were only few people there on that day. Hasan and Rebecca was riding the cow together just to kill time.
爸爸看到路邊有人在吃檳榔, 好奇也想吃吃看. 不過顯然檳榔並不合他的胃口, 咬了兩口就吐掉了.
Daddy saw people chewing the famous "Taiwanese chewing gum" and wanted to try it himself too. Taiwanese chewing gum is some kind of fruit with stuffing in it which makes it very spicy when you chew on it. It works like caffeine that makes people excited and awake. However, daddy didn't really like the taste and he spit it out very quickly.
This is a picture of the "Taiwanese chewing gum."
第二站是佳樂水. 剛到那兒的時候天氣突然轉陰, 後來又飄起毛毛雨, 我們本想說完了, 這次墾丁之旅無法去海邊玩水了, 沒想到過了一下下就又陽光普照起來了. 阿里對佳樂水的奇石怪岩非常嘆為觀止.
Next we stopped at Chia-Lo-Sui, which is known for all kinds of weird shaped rocks. When we first arrived, the weather became cloudy and then started to rain. But in a few minutes, the sun came out and became so warm. Ali was very amazed by all the rocks we saw.
接下來我們又去了鵝鸞鼻燈塔. 到了鵝鸞鼻的時候太陽又更烈了, 簡直就有點懶得給他爬上去, 不過既然都已經來了, 就帶阿里上去看看吧.
Then we went to the lighting house in the south most point of Taiwan. It became hotter and hotter and we almost didn't want to hike up to the lighting house.
到那兒才知道鵝鑾鼻現在名列台灣八景之一. 大家知道其他的七景是什麼嗎? 讓我想想.... (有一天晚上在家裡看電視的時候剛好看到介紹台灣八景) - 太魯閣, 日月潭, 台北 101, 故宮, 阿里山, 高雄愛河....剩下一個忘了.
And we learned that the south most point is one of Taiwan's 8 most famous tourist areas. Do you know what are the other 7? Let me think.... (I happened to see a TV show introducing the 8 most famous tourist areas) - Tai-Lu-Ge (the famous valley in east Taiwan), Sun Moon Lake, Taipei 101, the National Palace Museum, Mt. Ali, the Love River.....and I forgot the last one.
最後我們終於到了凱薩 check in, 然後一家人到海邊去玩水. 雖然是三月初, 墾丁的天氣真的熱得可以游泳了. 當然我和妹妹沒有去游, 阿里自己一個人下水, 我們陪著小肉包在岸上玩沙. 沒想到一個大浪打過來, 我們家沒膽的小肉包竟然嚇哭了, 爸爸再要帶他去玩水他都不敢. 我們看他很無聊, 只好帶他回去旅館的游泳池泡水, 不過回到旅館的時候已經傍晚, 天氣開始有點涼了, 泡了一下下, 他就全身發冷, 只好回房間去了.
Finally we checked into the Caesar Palace Hotel and left for the beach. Although it's early March, the weather was so nice and warm that many people were already swimming. Ali went to the ocean by himself, and Rebecca and I stayed with Hasan on the beach playing with the sand. But Hasan got scared by a big wave and started crying. No matter how hard daddy tried to convince him just to put his feet in the ocean, he didn't want to do it at all. We thought that he would feel bored, so we decided to take him back to the hotel swimming pool. It got a little cold after sun set, and we didn't stay in the pool too long either.
晚餐是在墾丁的夜市解決. 這是這次回台後我第一次去逛夜市, 墾丁的夜市雖然規模沒有台北的大, 但是也讓我一飽口腹之欲, 很多想了很久的小吃終於在這裡吃到了. 美中不足的是阿里並不太享受夜市的食物, 可能不習慣吧. 唯一讓他想嘗試的竟然是在美國就可以吃到的 corn dog. 這傢伙跟我們說他這輩子還沒吃過 corn dog, 誇張吧!
We had dinner in the night market close to the hotel. It was my first time in this trip that we were in the night market, and I was so excited because I could finally eat something that I've dreamed of for a long long time. But Ali didn't seem to enjoy the night market too much. The only thing interested him was the corn dog vendor - the corn dog that we could have gotten in the US! He told us that he'd never tried a corn dog before in his almost 40-year life....can you believe it? So we got a corn dog for him!
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