April 02, 2007

賞櫻記 Cherry Blossom

上週末我們去華盛頓玩, 主要是去參加阿里表弟一家人的 baby shower, 也去看看張岩阿姨和 Peggi 兩家人以及她們的小朋友, 順便賞賞櫻花.
Last weekend we went to Washington D.C. to Ali's cousin's baby shower. We also took the chance to visit Yan and Peggi and their babies. And of course, we took the opportunity to watch the famous cherry blossom.

Baby shower 在阿里二表哥家的後院舉行. 二表哥有三個小孩, 老大塔瑪拉是個聰明的小孩, 老二珍娜很甜, 老三馬力克則是家族裡備受寵愛的唯一的男孩. (阿里三個表哥的小孩中, 只有瑪立克一個男的.) 大表哥有四個女兒, 三女兒莉蒂亞和才七個月大的小女兒娜妲也來了. 其中塔馬拉最喜歡小肉包, 一直帶著小肉包溜滑梯, 還學了兩句中文: "摸摸肚子" 和 "搖搖頭," 一直要小肉包表演給她看. 後來還開著玩具車載小肉包到處跑.
Baby shower was in the back yard of Ali's cousin's. Ali's second cousin has three kids - the oldest daughter Tamara is very smart, the second daughter Jana is very sweet, and the youngest son Malek is the only son of Ali's three cousins and hence the most loved. Ali's first cousin has four daughters, and the third daughter Lydia and the youngest daughter Nada were also there. Tamara loved Hasan so much, and she took Hasan to the slide and helped him out the whole time. She also learned two Chinese phrase "touch your stomach" and "shake your head" so that Hasan would do those for her. She even drove Hasan around the back yard in that Barbie jeep.

只不過玩具車是芭比娃娃的, 好像缺少了一點男子氣概......
But it's a "Barbie" jeep. For some reason it doesn't look "man."

第二天我們到張岩阿姨家拜訪. 小肉包還在媽咪肚子裡的時候就去過張岩阿姨家, 不過這次是第一次見到丹丹姊姊, Peggi 阿姨也帶彥君哥哥一起來了. 三個小孩子在一起, 其實根本就是各玩各的, 不過後來丹丹和小肉包有一起合作蓋房子. (其實都是丹丹姊姊在蓋, 小肉包根本就是在旁邊搞破壞!) 彥君哥哥則是自己在一旁玩得很開心, 笑得合不攏嘴的.
The next day we went to Yan's place. Hasan went to Yan's place when he was still in mommy's tummy, but this was the first time that Hasan formally met Dan Dan. Peggi and Kenneth also brought Yan-Chun to Yan's. We hoped the three kids would play together, but they actually played with their own thing individually. Later on, Hasan started to build a castle with Dan Dan. (Well....actually Dan Dan was the one building it, and Hasan was just doing the destruction.) Yan-Chun was always playing on his own, from the beginning to the end, happily.

丹丹姊姊很厲害喔! 才十八個月大就會認四五十個中文字了, 還會從一數到十喔! 她表演給我們看時, 我們都很驚訝的拍手叫好, 結果我們小肉包也很大方的用力鼓掌起來了, 真是個會敲邊鼓的小朋友啊! 爸爸看到丹丹這麼厲害, 跟我說回家也要開始訓練小肉包認字. 小肉包如果聽到爸爸這麼說, 還會鼓掌鼓得那麼用力嗎?
Dan Dan was very smart that she could already recognize almost 50 Chinese characters. She could also count from 1 to 10. When we asked her to read for us and count for us, everyone was surprised that she was doing so well and we clapped. As a result, Hasan started clapping and cheering for Dan Dan. Daddy told me that he wanted me to start training Hasan when we went home. If Hasan heard daddy, would he still be cheering so loudly?

離開前我們想給三個小朋友合照一張, 但是玩的時候明明好好的, 一到要照相的時候就誰也不合作了, 躲得躲叫得叫的, 彥君更是早就不知道溜到哪了......
We wanted to take a group picture before we left, but the three kids didn't want to cooperate at all. This was taking when Hasan was screaming and Dan Dan wanted to run away. As for Yan-Chun, he was already gone long time back!

離開張岩阿姨家到了市中心, 想要下車賞賞櫻花, 但是繞了大半個鐘頭都找不到停車位, 只好雙排停車, 趕快下車照了個到此一遊就走了. 小肉包本來再車上睡得好好的, 硬是被老爸挖醒來照相, 真倒楣.

We went to the mall after leaving Yan's place. It was so crowded that we couldn't find a parking space after circling around for 30 minutes. So we double parked and went down for 5 seconds and took a picture. Hasan was sleeping in the car, but daddy insisted that we woke him up to take a picture with the famous cherry blossom. Poor Hasan......

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