When Zoe and Asing came to New York in March 2006, we said we were going to walk the famous Brooklyn Bridge. But Asing had some issues with his feet, so we didn't really go. Two months ago we asked Ramzi and Abir to walk the bridge, but something came up at the last minute and we didn't make it either. Today, Ramzi and Abir called and said that we really had to make it this time, so we said we would meet at the City Hall at 5pm and started walking.
今天天氣很好, 雖然太陽很大但是有微風徐徐. 布魯克林大橋上人好多喔! 還有很多騎腳踏車和滑滑板的人. 我們雖然在紐約住了有一陣子了, 但是大家都沒有徒步走過布魯克林大橋, 今天終於可以很驕傲的說自己到此一遊了, 也像觀光客一樣照了很多照片.
The weather was nice today, sunny with little breeze. It was very crowded on the bridge, many people walking and biking on the bridge. Although we've been living in New York for a while, none of us has been walking the Brooklyn Bridge before. Finally we made it today, and we were just like other tourists taking lots of pictures on the bridge.
這是在橋頭照的, 很久沒有照全家福了,
This was taken before we started walking. It's been a while since we took our last family picture.

Ramzi 叔叔和 Abir 阿姨, 兩個懷孕的女人一起挑戰布魯克林大橋! (其實並不長啦......)
With Ramzi and Abir....two pregnant women walking the Brooklyn Bridge! (It's actually not such a long walk.....)

It's the Manhattan Bridge in the background.

Daddy took this sweet picture for mom.

走過了橋到布魯克林之後, 我們就到橋下著名的比薩店吃比薩. 這可是號稱紐約最棒的比薩店喔! 光排隊就排了快一個小時, 不過真的挺好吃挺值得的, 價格不便宜就是了, 而且只收現金. 各位朋友如果有來紐約玩, 而且喜歡吃比薩的話, 建議一定要到這裡來排隊湊個熱鬧喔!
After we arrived Brooklyn, we went to a famous Pizzaria under the bridge. This is the best Pizza place in New York! We probably stayed in line for almost an hour, but it's totally worth the wait. It's not cheap though, and it's cash only. If you happen to come to New York and happen to like pizza, we highly recommend you to visit this place!
就是說嘛 看起來只是吃太飽而已!! 呵呵^^ 那佳宜你23週 肚子大起來了嗎? Ariel:)