August 01, 2007

子懿子熹兄弟來訪 Welcome Ian and Sean

上禮拜天子懿和子熹一家五口來我們家住. 子懿哥哥四歲了, 子熹弟弟還沒滿月呢! 我們家一下有三個小男生, 可熱鬧了. 不過子懿哥哥比小肉包大了三歲, 兩人好像玩不太起來, 大部分的時間都各玩各的.
Last Sunday Ian and Sean came to New York with their parents. Ian is 4, and Sean is not even one-month old. All of a sudden there were 3 boys living in our apartment - a lot of fun! But Ian is 3 years older than Hasan, so most of the time they weren't really playing with each other.

子懿哥哥玩小肉包的玩具還挺興奮的, 小肉包則一手拿著橘子, 一手拿著水杯, 在一旁隨著音樂擺動身體.
Ian seemed to like Hasan's toys. Hasan was shaking his body with the music, with a orange in one hand and a cup in the other.

No matter how much he shaked his body, he just didn't want to let go the yummy orange.

這一段兩人跳舞跳得不亦樂乎, 子懿跳得真是動感十足啊! 可惜電視的光線太強, 兩人臉都黑黑的.
Ian and Hasan were dancing, and Ian was very good!

但是總結起來, 兩人還是挺沒有交集的, 呵呵!
But most of the time, these two didn't really interact with each other.

珍妮阿姨也來看剛出生的子熹弟弟. 媽咪和阿姨都太粗心沒有準備禮物給小朋友, 只好合包了一個紅包, 但是竟然連紅包袋也沒有, 還拿普通信封來代替, 真是太克難了. (媽咪的新髮型很酷吧! 媽咪自己覺得很好看呢! 呵呵......)
Aunt Jenny also came to visit the new born baby. Mommy and aunt forgot to prepare a gift for the new born baby, so we gave Sean a red envelope as a symbol of luck. (Do you like mommy's new haircut?)

子懿子熹一家人在我們家住了四個晚上, 這可是媽咪第一次招待這麼多人, 做了四個晚上的晚餐, 媽咪自己覺得真是不簡單呢! 雖然不算是山珍海味, 但是應該還不難以下嚥吧! 媽咪給自己打六十分啦! 經過這次考驗, 從此正式晉升為主婦階級囉! 歡迎子懿子熹和爸爸媽媽及外婆下次有空再來玩囉!
Ian and Sean stayed with us for 4 nights. This was the first time that momy had so many guests over. Mommy cooked dinner for a big group of people for 4 nights in a row - quite an accomplishment! Although mommy's food was not particularly delicious, they seemed to like it very well. We welcome Ian and Sean to come with their parents and grandma to New York again next time!

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