As soon as Rebecca landed in New York, she told everyone that she'd like to have a BBQ. So we went back to New Jersey last weekend to have BBQ outside of my mom's apartment. This time we had too much food, but very good variety.

小肉包有吃有玩, 開心的不得了, 所以就沒有睡午覺, 到了下午兩三點, 已經眼神渙散的不行了, 每一張照片都恍神恍神的.
Hasan was so happy eating and playing with many young ladies and eventually skip his nap time. He was so tired around 2 o' can see that from almost all the pictures.

還有跟小表妹合照喔! 但是眼睛怎麼好像在"青"人家一樣.
Hasan and Lindsey! (The way Hasan looked at Lindsey was weird....)

Lindsey 大頭特寫.
3-month old Lindsey!

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