Daddy took Hasan to Diya's birthday party. Hasan was demonstrating his famous flirting tips:
第一部: 大膽貼近, 來個自我介紹.
妹妹: 這傢伙是誰啊?
Hasan: how are you, Diya? Let me give you a hug.....
Diya: who's this weirdo?

第二部: 講個笑話, 藉機博取好感.
妹妹: 這笑話我好像聽過了耶?
Hasan: look at me, Diya, I am handsome!
Diya: Let me take a look......

第三部: 再瞄一眼, 假裝流連忘返.
妹妹: 呵呵, 別再看了啦, 我會不好意思呢!
Hasan: what do you think about me now, Diya?
Diya: haha, stop staring at me....I am shy!

These tips also work for younger girls.

當然, 對熟女也一樣行得通, 老少通殺, 無往不利!
And of course, they work for older girls too! Age is not an issue to me...hehe!

Thanks for inviting me, Diya! It was really a great party and I had a good time! Please click here to see all the pictures at Diya's birthday party.
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