Kareem grew up a lot in the past few days.

這是幫可可洗澡的影片. 爸爸幫可可轉過身來之後, 可可兩隻眼睛瞪得好大, 好像在說: 有必要用這個姿勢洗澡嗎?
This is daddy bathing Kareem. After daddy turned Kareem over, Kareem's eyes became wide open as if he was saying: do I have to be in this position?
可可很難得笑. 我把可可放在搖椅裡面, 小牛發出聲音的時候, 可可好奇的尋找聲音的來源, 有那麼一瞬間好像露出一點笑容, 並且咿咿呀呀了起來.
Kareem doesn't usually smile. I put Kareem into the rocking chair. When the toy cow was sining, Kareem was trying to find the origin of the voice. I saw his smile and heard his cooing.
後來發現他心情好的時候, 摸他的鼻頭他就會笑笑.
Later, we found out that if he's in a good mood, he would smile when you touch his nose.
kareem is so cute~~~~~