January 29, 2008

投票的結果是.... The survey result

這次的題目是"我們是不是該在家教小肉包英文?" 調查結果很意外的並沒有呈現一面倒的局面. 其實我們在家也不是完全沒有跟小肉包講英文, 畢竟我還是要靠英文和阿里溝通, 但是跟小肉包講話總是用中文比較多, 他的中文程度也超前英文很多. 我很好奇大家的想法, 希望有投票的或是沒有投票的朋友們能留言告訴我你們的想法或是親身經歷, 非常感謝.
The survey topic is "should we be concerned that Hasan cannot follow the English instruction when we visit the library?" The survey result, to my surprise, was almost 50%-50%. I am curious how you think and would really appreciate if you can leave me a message and let me know your experience or your thoughts. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:37 AM

    he will learn it eventually. the environment will make a lot of difference. once he goes to school, he will pick it up very quickly.
