April 07, 2008

豐富的想像力 Hasan's wild imagination

今天晚上睡覺時, 小肉包突然跟我說: "游泳那邊.....有一個人......有聖誕老公公的屁股." 我以為他又在亂講話了, (他常常天馬行空的亂講一些有的沒有的,) 所以也沒在意. 他睡著了之後我跟爸爸聊天, 爸爸說今天帶小肉包去游泳的時候, 看到一個人好胖屁股好大, 我才知道原來小肉包是在跟我講一個屁股很大的人. 虧他竟然知道用"聖誕老公公的屁股"來形容一個人屁股很大, 我們也沒這樣教他, 自己就這樣形容, 真是個想像力豐富的小子啊! 呵呵!
Tonight when I was putting Hasan to sleep, he told me that there was someone at the pool with Santa's butt. I thought he was talking nonsense so I didn't really respond to it. Later on when I was chatting with daddy, daddy told me that they met a very fat guy with a big butt. I then realized that Hasan was describing to me this big guy he met at the pool. To my surprise he used "Santa's butt" to describe it - which I have never used before. How creative!

他還跟我說在游泳的時候遇到兩個姊姊. 最近講話講得愈來愈好也愈來愈有條理, 看來很快就可以像大孩子一樣每天坐在晚餐桌上向我報告一天發生的事情囉!
He also told me he met two girls at the pool. He's becoming more and more advanced in expressing himself!

1 comment:

  1. 這個太利害了
    小女孩看到媽媽的屁股在FIRE PLACE前面以為是SANTA
