April 18, 2008

弟弟剃頭了 Kareem's first haircut

哥哥兩個多月大的時候就剃頭了. 弟弟因為是冬天生的, 所以我們一直等到天氣變暖了之後才行第一次的剃頭大典. 剃到一半弟弟開始哭了起來還扁嘴, 可是扁得好可愛.
Hasan got his first haircut when he was not even three months old. Kareem was born in the winter, so we didn't give him his first haircut until today - when the weather is warmer. Kareem was crying almost the whole time when Ali was cutting his hair.

This is the product.

還有弟弟第一次坐腳踏車的照片. (別擔心啦! 沒有真的載他出去, 只是在家裡照照相過過乾癮而已.)
This was Kareem's first time on the bike. (Don't worry. We didn't really take him out on the bike. It was just a picture at home.)

1 comment:

  1. KAREEM抵迪果然有增加男子氣概
