March 30, 2007

台灣之行分享篇 - 好書再介紹 The Kite Runner

再介紹一本好書給大家, 是木馬文化出版的翻譯小說: 追風箏的孩子. 故事真的很生動也很感人, 而且讀完了之後會對中東的政治以及回教的文化有更進一步的認識. 很巧的是, 本書配角父子也叫做阿里和哈山 (同樣的名字我們兒子是翻譯成赫聲). 看來阿里和哈山真的是中東地區最出名的父子檔了!
I would like to recommend a good book here: The Kite Runner. This is the first Afghani novel published in English. The story is very refreshing and very touching. It also tells me a little bit background about politics in the middle east and the Muslim culture. The funny thing is that in this book, the main character Amir's best friend is named Ali, and Ali's son is Hassan. I think "Ali and Hassan" is probably the most popular father and son combination in the middle east area!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Oh...I thought the book was named after us, CCC =)

    Good job updating your blog..always have so much fun reading it!

