October 11, 2007

十七個月大的小猴子 17-month-old monkey

爸爸帶小肉包去公園玩, 看他爬上爬下的畫面真是令人捏一把冷汗, 爸爸竟然還有閒情逸致在旁邊攝影, 真是的.
Daddy took Hasan to the park and videotaped him climbing up and down. It was really scary......

第二段影片快結束前, 爸爸騙他說要回家了, 跟他說拜拜, 他唉唉叫了一聲, 緊跟著不知道碎碎唸了什麼一長串, 真好笑.
Before the 2nd video finishes, daddy told him "bye-bye" pretending that he was going to take Hasan home. Hasan yelled at him, and then spoke some sort of sentence that nobody understood as if he was complaining - very funny.

我們這隻小猴子最近好愛爬, 在家裡竟然也敢爬上窗台, 我的視線真是一刻也不能離開他囉!
Hasan falls in love with climbing recently. He even climbs up to our window. I have to keep my eyes on him all the time.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:51 AM

    yeah i saw the yale shirt!!!:D
