October 11, 2007

會從一數到九囉! Counting from 1 to 9 (in Mandarin)

今天下班回來, 阿姨很興奮地拉著小肉包叫他從一數到九給我看, 真的會數了耶! 但是當我拿相機想要拍下來時, 他卻很不合作的一直想要拿我的相機玩, 我只好把舊的那台拿給他. 不過相機一到他手上, 他就不專心數數了, 所以拍下來的沒有那麼成功. 數完八之後就開始尖叫了.
As soon as I walked in today, our nanny took me to Hasan's room and asked him to count from 1 to 9 for me. He really can count! But when I wanted to videotape him counting, he got distracted and kept playing with the camera. He started screaming after counting to 8.

(3 沒有在白板上, 不知道跑到哪裡去了.)
(Number 3 was not on the white board, and we didn't know where it was.)

之前我還覺得他學講話的速度有點慢, 不過這一兩個禮拜好像突然開竅, 很會模仿人家講話, 叫得出名字的水果和動物加起來也差不多快有四五十種囉!
I was worried that he was slow in picking up language. But during this past two weeks, he was learning very fast all of a sudden. Now he can recognize almost 40 to 50 different fruits and animals and say their names!

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