We have a long couch at home - the kind you can put your legs on it and lie down. This couch has always been Ali's and my favorate. We love to sit on it whenever we watch TV.
最近小肉包也愛上這張沙發, 但我想他可能是愛湊熱鬧, 看我和阿里都喜歡坐那裡, 他也想坐那裡. 因為他的腳那麼短, 坐哪張沙發不都像是坐懶人沙發一樣嘛?
Lately Hasan also falls in love with this couch. I think it's because he sees us sitting on it all the time, so he wants to mimic us. Because his legs are so short, theoretically he can put his legs on any other couch besides this one - so the reason he likes this one is definitely different from ours.
他還會對阿里發號施令, 叫阿里把他的飲料和點心拿到他伸手可得的地方, 然後自己就坐在那裡吃吃喝喝起來了. 有時候還會整個身體都陷在沙發裡, 好像很享受的樣子, 真是小懶豬.
After he sits down, he would also ask Ali to bring his drink and cheerios to somewhere he can reach from the couch. He would lie in there and eat/drink as if he is enjoying his time. What a couch potato!

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