September 17, 2008

弟弟的九個月體檢 Kareem's 9-month checkup

時間過得真快, 弟弟今天去做九個月的體檢了. 身高 31 吋 (100%), 體重 23 磅 9 盎司 (85%). 各方面發展也很超前, 不但爬很快, 還會扶著東西站起來和扶著東西走路囉! 會用 sippy cup 喝東西 (雖然還不是喝得很順), 也會用手指拿小零嘴起來吃了. 小朋友長得真快啊!
Kareem had his 9-month checkup today. He is 31 inches in height (100 percentile) and 23 lb 9 oz in weight (85 percentile). He is also ahead from the development stand point. He crawls very fast and he can already stand up by holding onto something. He can drink from a sippy cup (sort of) and can also pick up finger food using his thumb and index finger. I can't believe how fast he grows!


  1. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Ryan sitll can't use sippy cup...
    Which brand did you get? I was wondering maybe I should change the cup.

  2. 弟弟其實還用得不太順手, 是我們不好沒有早點開始訓練他, 小肉包在這個年紀的時候已經用 sippy cup 喝得很好了. 兄弟倆都是用這個 Avant 的杯子:
    我是沒試過其他牌的, 但是我覺得這牌挺不錯, 還有個小蓋子可以把吸嘴蓋起來, 攜帶比較方便乾淨.
