This weekend Ali's sister Theresa and her husband Michael cam to New York for a business trip. Friday afternoon when Michael was in a meeting, Ali and Hasan took aunt Theresa to Central Park for a little walk.

在公園玩的時候遇到一位十一歲的小女生. 雖然是陌生人, 小肉包一看到人家就黏住了不放, 不管泰瑞莎姑姑在後面追, 一個勁兒只想跟小姊姊牽手. 阿里看小肉包這麼喜歡小姊姊, 小姊姊也好喜歡小肉包, 就跟小姊姊要了email, 想說等我把照片放上來之後通知小姊姊上來看照片. 這跟小女生要email的行為像不像怪叔叔啊?
Hasan met a 11-year-old girl in the park, and he loved this girl so much that he kept running after her. Ali asked the girl for her email, and we planned to email her after I posted the pictures on my blog.

禮拜六晚上我們招待泰瑞莎姑姑和麥可姑丈去坐 dinner cruise, 我們又忘了去高級餐廳不能帶小肉包這件事, 整個晚上只聽見他東吼西叫的非常不安分, cruise 又一直到十點半才結束, 一下船上了車小肉包就呼呼大睡, 下次真的真的該記取教訓了.
Saturday night we took aunt Theresa and uncle Michael to the dinner cruise. We kept forgetting that we shouldn't take Hasan to any nice restaurant, especially not for dinner. The cruise didn't end until 10:30, and Hasan was so tired that he felt asleep right after we put him in the car. Next time we should really remember to leave him with the nanny.

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