Hasan goes to the park with daddy every afternoon, so he is very familiar with all the equipment in the park as if it's his own back yard.

盪鞦韆已經是小 case 了.
Swing is easy for him.
玩一玩溜滑梯還要去搶人家的食物, 真是流氓.
He wanted to grab someone else's food......
他其實是想抱抱小弟弟, 但是小弟弟一直跑, 只好抓住他的背心, 結果被誤認為想要拉人家. (後來又很大膽的去抓哥哥的氣球.)
He wanted to hug the kid, but this kid was running away from him so he ended up grabing his shirt and it looked like he was pulling him. (And then he grabbed the ballon from another kid.)
爬上爬下的來去自如. (好像有點羨慕人家兄弟情深呢!)
It's easy for him to climb up and down. (He was staring at the brothers as if he wanted a brother too!)
我們新買的這台像機拍的照片和影片畫質都很好, 但是上傳到 google video 後解析度就變得很差, 從這篇文章就可看出. 有人有什麼解決的辦法嗎? 敬請告知.
The resolution of our new camera is very good, both in photos and video clips. But once I upload to Googld video, the resolution becomes very bad (as you can see from this post). Does anyone have any idea how to improve it? Please let me know...thanks!
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