Kareem turned 3 months old last Saturday, so Sunday evening Ali made an ice cream cake for Kareem. We cut the cake this afternoon after Hasan woke up from his nap. Hasan was singing happy birthday to his brother.

吹蠟燭囉! (可憐的弟弟吹完蠟燭就被擺到一旁乘涼去了.)
Time to blow the candles! (Poor Kareem - after blowing off the candles he was immediately put aside because everyone wanted to eat a piece of cake.)
褓母阿姨問我們是不是有習慣慶祝三個月. 當然沒有這個習慣啦! 完全是阿里自己嘴饞想吃蛋糕啦! 褓母阿姨真是的, 在我們家待這麼久了竟然還不了解阿里這個人.
Our nanny thought we have the tradition to celebrate 3-month birthday. Of course not!! It's all because Ali was craving for some cake!!

阿里做的蛋糕還挺有模有樣的, 外面是巧克力, 裡面是冰淇淋加水果罐頭, 不輸給外面的蛋糕店喔! (人會胖是有原因的啦!)
Ali's cake was pretty professional. The cake had a chocolate crust with ice cream and fruits inside. (No wonder someone is fat.....)

小肉包吃得像個小花貓, 一邊吃還一邊誇獎的說: "爸爸很會做蛋糕給Hasan吃!" 真是馬屁精.....
Hasan had chocolate all over his face. He said, "daddy is good at making cakes for hasan!"

可可實在大隻, 才滿三個月已經要穿6-9個月的衣服了. 身上這件就是6-9個月的, 非常合身一點都不嫌大. 我看下個月恐怕就要穿9-12個月的衣服啦!
Kareem is so big that he is now wearing 6-9 month clothes. Maybe next month he will have to wear 9-12 month clothes!
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