August 29, 2006

四個月的體檢成績單 4-month Check Up

今天帶小肉包去做四個月的體檢. 小肉包身高 26 吋, 體重 17 磅 5 盎司, 身高和體重的比例還是很讚, 在 90th percentile.
Today we took Hasan to have his 4-month check up. He weighs 17 lb and 5 oz, and his length is 26 inches. Both length and weight are at 90th percentile.

因為小肉包出生時只有 50th percentile, 滿一個月時變成 75th percentile, 滿兩個月時長成 95th percentile, 我和阿里本來以為滿四個月的時候可能要破表了! 幸好及時煞車, 沒有長成巨嬰.
Hasan was born at 50th percentile. When he was one month old, he was at 75th percentile. At two months old, he was at 95th percentile. At this speed of growth, Ali and I thought that he would be out of the chart at 4 months old. However, he was able to control himself not to become a giant.

其他健康狀況也都良好, 一樣是頭好壯壯. 美女醫生迅雷不及掩耳地給小肉包打上三針預防針, 小肉包都還沒反應過來就打完了. 小肉包挺遲鈍地唉了一聲, 唉完之後可能自己也發現好像反應太慢了一些, 自己不好意思的笑了起來, 結束了今天的體檢之旅.
Hasan's growth and development is in perfect shape. The doctor quickly gave him three shots, and she finished everything before Hasan even realized it. Hasan cried for one second after everything was done, but the next second he was smiling to everyone.

明天開始我們就要試著給他吃副食品了, 不知道他會不會喜歡呢? (如果是遗傳到他爸的話, 基本上應該是什麼都吃吧......)
Starting from tomorrow we will try to feed him solid food. We are worried that he might not like it too much. (But if he is like his father, I think he'll pretty much eat everything!!)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:08 AM

