The next day we woke up early and took uncle Hisham's boat to the lake. I was afraid that Hasan would get sun burn, so I prepared everything one can think of to protect him. I brought his sunglasses, his hat, and the SPF 45 sun screen lotion. I was so worried to the extend that I applied sun screen lotion to him every hour. Everybody was laughing at me when they saw me do that.
小肉包很喜歡坐游艇去玩. 他在游艇上吃吃喝喝, 和老爸一起游泳, 又和堂哥堂姊們嘻嘻哈哈的好不快活.
Hasan liked his first boating experience a lot. He was eating in the boat, swimming in the lake, sleeping in the boat, and laughing with his cousins.
左下方的照片中可以看到小肉包腋下的肥肉好幾層, 小肉包這個名號可不是蓋的呢! 右下方的照片是小肉包四歲的堂哥"阿拉愛等"和兩歲的堂哥"阿拉忍".
In the lower left picture, you can see that Hasan was very chubby that he even got wrinkles under his arm when I held him. In the lower right picture were Hasan's cousins Aiden (4) and Zane (2).

小肉包和老爸在湖裡游泳. (愛打姑姑和凱西伯母也有出現在影片中喔!)
This was Hasan swimming with Daddy in the lake......
哇 秀秀真是辣媽一隻