August 12, 2006

夢遊澡盆?! Sleeping in the bath tub

今天天氣好, 帶小肉包出去到處亂晃. 下午在曼哈頓和朋友碰頭, 天南地北聊得忘了時間, 小肉包可能太累了, 在回程的車上就已經不支, 都不曉得睡到哪裡去了. 回到家已經九點, 本來是該餵他吃睡前那一餐, 但是看他睡得香甜, 阿里就把他抱到床上繼續睡, 想說過一會他肚子餓就會自己醒來.
We took advantage of the nice weather and took Hasan to Manhattan for a walk. We went to have a cup of coffee with some friends, and by the time we left Manhattan it was already very late. Hasan was probably too tired, so he fell asleep on our way home. We arrived home at 9pm. He was supposed to have his last meal 9:30, but we didn't want to wake him up because he was in deep sleep. We thought that he would wake up later when he was hungry.

我和阿里隨便煮了點簡單的晚餐吃吃. 吃完之後也快十點了, 沒想到小肉包還在睡, 為了怕他半夜肚子餓起來吵我們, 我們決定把他挖起來洗個澡, 讓他清醒一下之後來餵奶.
Ali and I cooked something simple for dinner. After dinner it was almost 10pm, but Hasan was still sleeping. We were afraid that he's gonna wake up hungry in the middle of the night, so we decided to wake him up to give him a bath and feed him the last bottle.

但是這小子還真厲害, 竟然連洗澡也有辦法睡覺, 可能真的累到了吧? 好笑之餘也覺得對小肉包不好意思, 被我們搞得這麼累......
But this guy was funny......he could even sleep in the bath tub. He must be really tired......

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:12 PM

