Finally it's time to say goodbye. Before we left I finally thought about taking a group picture. Let me introduce the Arar family here.
上圖, 由左至右: 亞當堂哥, 忍堂哥, 老爸, 小肉包, 愛打姑姑. (請注意小肉包的圍兜兜寫些什麼!)
In the first picture, from left to right: cousin Adam, cousin Zane, Daddy, Hasan, Aunt Aida. (Please pay attention to what's on Hasan's bib!)

下圖, 由左至右: 忍堂哥, 九歲的安娜堂姊, 亞當堂哥, 老爸, 小肉包, 愛等堂哥, 愛打姑姑, 八歲的強納森表哥, 麗莎姑姑.
In the second picture, from left to right: cousin Zane, cousin Anna (9), cousin Adam, Daddy, Hasan, cousin Aiden, Aunt Aida, cousin Jonathon (8), Aunt Lisa.

唯一沒有出現在這次康伯蘭湖之旅的照片和影片中的是辛苦的西湘伯父. 真是謝謝西湘伯父辛苦駕駛游艇載大家到處跑, 抱歉沒有照到你的照片. (其實在康伯蘭湖之旅第二部左上角的照片有照到西湘伯父專心駕船的背影.)
The only person who didn't show up in my camera was Uncle Hisham. Thanks Uncle Hisham for taking us everywhere on his boat. So sorry that I didn't include you in any of the pictures I took. (Actually, Uncle Hisham was in one of the pictures in "Lake Cumberland Trip Part 2," but he was not facing the camera......)
附注: 經過三天的水上活動, 小肉包曬出了一身古銅色的肌膚, 打開大腿的皺折還可以明顯地看到白白一條呢! 現在可不是白面書生, 而是陽光美男子了.
Note: After three days of water activities, Hasan got beautiful sun tan. You can even see the un-exposed porton in the wrinkles of his legs. Now he's really a sunny boy!
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