The first day after we arrived, everybody woke up early because of the jet lag. We went to the traditional market with my mom. Ali thought it's funny that someone sells underwears in the marketing, and he asked me to take a picture for him in front of the booth. Hasan looked very sleepy in the picture.
後來好友阿方打電話來, 問我們要不要去陽明山賞花. 我們反正也沒有計畫, 就跟著阿方和他先生一同上山了. 陽明山是台北市內最有名的山, 一年四季遊客都很多, 阿方先帶我們去吃山上一家很好吃的餐廳, 讓我們填飽肚子有體力爬山. 我們去的時候正是櫻花盛開的花季, 三人在花鐘前照了一張相, 又和阿方和先生合照了一張. 因為櫻花還沒開很多, 阿里和小肉包索性在假櫻花前又照了一張. 阿方和先生看起來很甜蜜喔! 不好意思沒有去參加你們的婚禮, 在這裡謝謝你們帶我們遊覽陽明山, 並祝你們永裕愛河喔!
After a tour in the market, I got a phone call from my friend Alice, inviting us to the flower festival on Mt. Yang-Ming. We didn't have any plan for the first day, so it was great to have a trip to the most famous mountain in Taipei. Alice and her husband Jorden took us to a very nice restaurant to have lunch first, and then we headed to the land mark of Mt. Yang-Ming - the flower clock. We took a picutre in front of the flower clock, and also took a picture with Alice and Jorden. Because the cherry blossom was not in bloom as much as we expected, Ali and Hasan took another picture in front of a fake cherry flower. Alice and Jorden looked really happy and sweet together. We feel sorry that we couldn't go to your wedding, but we thank you for taking us to Mt. Yang-Ming, and wish you live happily ever after!
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