Monday we took the MRT (metro rapid transit) to Tamshui with grandma. (Tamshui is where the river meets the ocean.) This was the first time Ali took the MRT since we arrived Taipei. He was amazed by how quiet the system was, and how clean the stations were. He was trying to find out why the trains could be running so quietly, but I wasn't able to answer his question. If anyone knows the answer to this question, please post a comment here so we coould learn something new!
We walkted along the old street to take the ferry to Ba-Li and the Fisherman's Wharf. The weather was a little bit cloudy that day, but Hasan and Ali had a good time there. Grandma took a picture for us in front of the famous cantiliver bridge, but she cut Hasan's head off in the picture!
Ali really enjoyed his time in Tamshui. He played several games along the old street such as shooting water balloon and BB gun. He also had a super tall ice cream. But he commented that the ice cream teasted really watery and not creamy at all.
當天最大的戰利品就是幫小肉包買了一套傳統服飾. 回到紐約之後我們幫他換上, 想要照幾張相給親朋好友看, 不過他一直不太合
作. 後來爸爸換上中東服飾跟他一起合照, 還說照片的題目要叫做 "當中東遇上遠東." 但是小肉包最後還是不太領情, 穿著皇服發威了!
The best suvernior we got from Tamshui was a traditional Chinese outfit for Hasan. After we came back to New York, we dressed him up to take some photos for our family and friends to see how cute he was. However, he didn't seem to like this idea too much, and wasn't smiling to the camera at all. Finally, Ali put on his traiditional middle-east outfit and had pictures with Hasan together. The title of this picture is called "when middle-east meets far-east." But Hasan was still not happy about it - our emperor has gone mad! 

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