The three boys had so much fun together. Elliot's daddy gave each of the boys one toy car - it's a special wooden car designed by Calello. There are a series of different designs and colors. Not only Hasan and Kareem love their cars so much, even I myself am attracted by the quality touch and the cute styles.
The boys also played indoor soccer together. They were jumping on the bed and running around the apartment holding hands. I never saw Hasan and Kareem having so much fun with any other kids!
I tried to take some pictures of them but we didn't have enough light in the room and the boys were moving too much too fast. Most of the photos turned out blurry. Oh well, I need to improve my skills....
The whole night I kept hearing the boys calling "Elliot....Elliot...." Even the next day, Hasan still asked me "When is Elliot coming next?"
When it comes to TV.....
Elliot was very polite and had very good manner. He always said "thank you" and smiled all the time. Before he left, he kissed everyone in the room including Hasan and Kareem's grand parents.
Hasan and Kareem loved Elliot so much that, before Elliot left, the boys insisted to put on Elliot's shoes for him (such a royal treatment!) Kareem even fought with Hasan because Hasan didn't allow him to put the shoe on Elliot!
法國人果然是美食主義者. 這天我準備了以海鮮為主題的火鍋, 有很多鮮蝦和貝類, 阿里通常對這些海產沒多大興趣, 但是這對法國爸爸和來自加拿大法語區的媽媽非常 enjoy 生猛海鮮. Elliot 的爸爸 Emmanuel 來自南法, 他還跟我們說他小時候常常到海邊抓 razor clam, 真是有趣. Elliot 雖然才兩歲多, 禮貌真是周到, 謝謝總是掛在嘴上, 吃飯吃到一半想下去玩, 還會徵求老爸的同意, 我們家這兩隻跟 Elliot 一比簡直像是野孩子啊!
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