November 02, 2007

幫媽媽掃地 Helping mommy

趁著幫小肉包和弟弟買床的時候, 我和爸爸也把自己的床升等成king size, 所以今天早上睡醒爸爸就把床拆了, 等著家具公司送新床來. 床拆了之後想當然的出現許多原本藏在床底下的灰塵, 我就去拿了拖把想把灰塵弄乾淨.
Ali and I upgraded our queen bed to a king size bed when we were shopping for Hasan and Kareem's beds. This morning after everyone woke up, daddy disassembled our old bed to clean up the space for our new bed. As we imagine, after removing the old bed, we saw a lot of dust. So I went to grab a mop to clean it up.

小肉包真的很雞婆, 看到我在清地板, 就嚷著要幫忙, 不給他拖把他還要大叫呢! 想到昨天Tricia的留言, 小朋友吵的時候就給他點工作讓他覺得有在幫忙, 不如我就將計就計, 派個工作給他讓他來幫幫忙, 看他會不會乖一點.
As soon as Hasan saw me cleaning the floor, he wanted to grab the mop from me. So I took the opportunity to assign this task to him to see if he would quiet down if he's occupied with something important.

He's working very hard!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:01 AM

    好努力的 Hasan~ 下次來 Houston玩 阿姨也
    給你一把拖把好了 !!
