This year's Halloween Hasan was in his little emperor costume. (Fine, mommy was too lazy to buy Hasan a new costume, so I just put his one-year-old birthday dress on him. But everyone we met loved his little emperor costume and asked me where to buy it!)
小肉包皇帝整好裝, 和媽媽出發去要糖果囉!
Little emperor brought his pumpkin basket and went to trick or treat with mommy!

看他小小個頭的提著南瓜籃子搖搖擺擺的走著, 真可愛.
He was so cute walking down the hall with his little pumpkin basket.
一開始他還搞不清到底是要幹麻. 我替他敲了兩家人的門, 示範兩次之後, 他很快了解這項活動是要把人家擺到他面前的糖果往自己的籃子裡放. 所以到了第三家人家門口之後, 他就很自動的開始不客氣的大把抓起糖果餅乾來了.
At first he didn't really know what this was about. After knocking on a couple of doors, he soon understood that he was supposed to grab whatever people presented in front of him and put it in his own basket. So starting from the third door, he was already an expert of trick-or-treating.
他很喜歡這家人門口擺的南瓜燈, 要完了糖果後還一直盯著看不肯走.
He loved this pumpkin decoration so much that he didn't want to leave even after they closed the door.
我們大樓規定, 要參加萬聖節要糖活動的人家, 要在門口掛個南瓜的圖案, 小朋友才知道哪家可以敲門, 哪家不可以. 小肉包後來敲出了興趣, 搞不清有沒有掛南瓜圖案, 只要見了門就敲, 連垃圾間的門都跑去敲, 真是笑死人了.
The building's rule is, if you want to participate in trick or treating, you have to hang a pumpkin sign on your door so the kids know which ones to knock on. Hasan didn't understand all these rules. He just knew that when he knocked on the door, someone would open and give him candies. So he was knocking on every single door he could see, even the garbage chute!
跑了幾層樓之後, 我們發覺可以敲門的人家真是很少, 大部分人家的門口都沒有掛南瓜圖案, 於是我就帶他到樓下的大廳去晃晃, 跟守衛要糖果.
After running around in a few floors, we found that only very few people had the pumpkin sign on. So I decided to take him to the lobby to trick or treat our door man.
這樣跑下來, 他也要了滿滿半桶的糖果餅乾. 我看他拿得搖搖晃晃的好像很重的樣子, 就問他要不要幫他拿. 沒想到這小子很大聲的說不要, 還一直搖頭, 寧可慢慢的走, 也不願意我拿走他滿滿的糖果餅乾, 真是的.
After a while, his pumpkin basket was already half full. The basket seemed very heavy for him to carry, so I offered to carry it for him. He immediately said "no" (very loudly), and couldn't stop shaking his head as if I was going to steal all his candies.
回家後我檢查了他的南瓜籃子, 發現有一家人給了他兩包低脂的動物餅乾, 晚餐後我就開了一包給他吃. 他吃得津津有味, 好像很得意自己的收穫似的. 吃完了動物餅乾, 趁爸爸替他洗澡的時候, 我趕快把剩下的糖果 (大部分是巧克力和棒棒糖) 給藏了起來, 他洗完澡也就把這事忘得一乾二淨了. 這麼多糖果, 要是全給他吃完了那還得了嗎? (不過要是給爸爸吃完了也不得了, 所以我藏在只有我知道的地方, 呵呵!)
I checked his basket after returning home, and found that someone gave him 2 bags of low fat animal crackers. So after dinner I opened one bag for him. He enjoyed the crackers very much as if they were his triumph from a battle or something. After he finished the crackers, daddy took him to shower and I took the chance to hide the rest of the candies (mostly chocolates and lollipops) away. He soon forgot everything after shower and didn't ask a single word about the candies. I can't imagine if he ended up eating all those candies..... (but if daddy ended up eating all those candies it would be bad too, so I hid the candies away from daddy too....haha.)
hahah.. what a cute outfit!!!
ReplyDelete皇帝裝真的很屌 在台灣買的嗎?
小肉包年紀小比較健忘 要是summer一洗玩澡大概就會問'我的糖果呢'
ReplyDeleteTo Janice: 是的 皇帝裝是在淡水老街買的 還有鞋子可以配成一套喔 一套約台幣七百元左右