Today we gained one extra hour from the day light saving time. Hasan was getting bored at home, so we took him for a walk to the park.
想說和這小子照張母子照, 但他就是不肯乖乖面對相機.
I wanted to take a nice picture with him, but he just didn't want to stand still in front of the camera.

小肉包爬上爬下的時候, 手上總喜歡拿個什麼東西, 就是不喜歡兩手好好抓住欄杆, 不禁讓人捏一把冷汗.
He likes to hold onto something in his palm instead of holding onto the rail when he climbs up. Sometimes it makes me very nervous.
順便報上笑話一則. 他在公園裡跑跑跳跳時遇的一個兩歲的日本小女生, 小肉包好像很喜歡人家, 先是很靦腆地向小姊姊招招手, 後來更是伸出手硬拉起小姊姊的手來握握, 然後不知道哪跟筋不對勁, 就直接熱情的往小姊姊身上撲過去想要抱抱, 結果衝得太猛, 把小姊姊整個人撂倒在地上, 他自己全身壓在小姊姊身上, 小姊姊和小姊姊的媽媽都呆掉了, 小姊姊當然更是馬上號啕大哭起來, 害我和阿里趕忙跑去跟人家道歉. 寶貝你也太熱情了一點吧!!!
Here is another joke. He saw a 2-year-old Japanese girl in the park today. He liked this little girl so much, so he waved at her first. Then he grabed her hand and started shaking. And then he walked towards the girl trying to hug her. But he didn't balance well and ended up pushing the girl down to the ground. His whole body was on top of the little girl's. The girl and her mom were both shocked, and the girl immediately started crying. Ali and I had to go apologize to the girl and her mom. Baby, don't you think you did too much on the first date?
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