November 03, 2007

十八個月的語言進展 Hasan's language skills at 18 months

Do you remember Hasan's language skills at 14 months?

現在十八個月了. 在這四個月間, 小肉包的語言進展神速, 現在已經幾乎能跟我們做簡單的對答了. 下面是兩個小實例.
Now he is 18 months old. During these 4 months, Hasan's language skills progressed very fast. Now he can already made simple conversations with us. Here are two examples.

Example 1

某天晚上, 我們請珍妮阿姨來吃飯. 我跟小肉包說珍妮阿姨等一下要來喔! 小肉包馬上拿起我們的結婚相簿, 翻到有珍妮阿姨的那一頁, 指著阿姨跟我說 "珍妮阿姨," 嚇了我一跳, 想說他記性怎麼這麼好, 珍妮阿姨可是好久不見了呢!
We invited aunt Jenny over for dinner one day. I told Hasan "aunt Jenny is coming tonight," and he immediately opened our wedding album and pointed out a picture with aunt Jenny in it, and said "aunt Jenny." I was surprised how good his memory was because aunt Jenny hasn't visited us for a long time!

珍妮阿姨來了之後, 看到我的大肚子, 跟我說 "好久不見, 肚子真的變得好大喔!" 小肉包一聽到 "好大" 這兩個字, 馬上用手指著珍妮阿姨的胸部說 "好大" (是真的! 我一點都沒誇張! 他真的指著珍妮阿姨的胸部! 我和珍妮阿姨都笑翻了......) 這小子怎麼會有這種反應呢? 到底是哪裡學來的? (以上全是中文對話.)
After aunt Jenny arrived, she looked at my big belly and said "long time no see, your belly really becomes so big!" As soon as Hasan heard the magic word "so big," he immediately pointed at aunt Jenny's breasts and said "so big." (I am not kidding! He really pointed at her breasts! Aunt Jenny and I were laughing so hard......) How come he had such a reaction? Where did he learn that from? (The above conversation was all in Mandarin.)

Example 2

今天早上, 小肉包把我的眼鏡弄壞了. 他不知道哪來的蠻力, 把鏡片硬是從鏡框上拔了下來. (幸好鏡片是塑膠的.) 我很生氣, 大聲罵了他, 爸爸跑過來叫他跟我道歉, 他很不情願, 背靠著牆壁, 就是不肯往我這邊走過來. 爸爸又一次跟他說, 去跟媽媽道歉, 他用英文回答 "no," 爸爸再講了第三次, 去跟媽媽道歉, 他可能是懷疑剛剛講英文爸爸聽不懂, 又用中文說了一次 "不要," 我和爸爸當場笑翻了, 竟然中英並用, 就是要讓爸爸知道他不想跟媽媽道歉. (以上與爸爸的對話是英文對話.)
This morning Hasan broke my glasses. I was very mad at him and I yelled at him. Daddy came over and asked him to say sorry to me. He stood against the wall and didn't want to come over to apologize. Daddy said again, "go say sorry to mommy," and he said in English "no." Daddy said the third time, "go say sorry to mommy." He probably thought that daddy didn't understand him when he said "no," so this time he responded in Mandarin "no." Daddy and I couldn't stop laughing....he used both English and Mandarin to make sure daddy understand that he didn't want to apologize to mommy. (The above conversation with daddy was in English.)

I don't think we need to worry about Hasan's language skills anymore!

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