It's getting colder and colder so Hasan has been sitting at home for a while. Last weekend we took advantage of the sunny day and decided to take Hasan to the park again.
但是這種天氣真是睡覺的好天氣, 尤其是小肉包又穿上大外套, 太陽照得暖暖的, 還沒走到公園他就已經在推車上睡著了.
But sitting in his stroller under the sun with his big jacket on, Hasan felt asleep before we even reached the park.

爸爸很狠心的把他放到盪鞦韆上面, 他還是繼續睡.
Daddy put sleeping Hasan in the swing, but he didn't wake up at all.
盪了兩分鐘後醒來了, 馬上就和媽咪玩得很開心, 笑得超可愛.
Two minutes later, he woke up and found himself on the swing. He immediately started laughing and enjoying time with mommy.
Mommy was having a good time too!

完全清醒了之後, 他決定要挑戰公園裡面難度最高的玩意兒. 這可不是開玩笑, 高度比爸爸還高很多呢! 而且他這天穿兩件褲子, 根本是行動不便. 但是初生之犢不畏虎, 看得我可是冷汗直冒. 不過任務完成之後, 看他很開心的站在頂端大聲的"耶"的樣子, 我們也開心極了.
After a while, he decided to climb up to this tallest "ladder" in the park. I was so worried because this thing was taller than daddy! And Hasan was wearing two pants and a big jacket so it's not easy for him to move. However, he wasn't afraid of the height at all. After he accomplished the job, he was so happy and screamed out "yeah" loudly. It made us feel so happy too!
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