Elliot is 3! Last Saturday we were invited to attend Elliot's 3rd birthday party at Prospect Park. It was also the first time we met the entire Collet family after Hugo was born!
五個禮拜大的 Hugo 很會睡,除了起來喝奶之外幾乎都在睡。
5-week-old Hugo was enjoying his time - mainly eating and sleeping :)
Hugo 的媽咪說 Hugo 含著奶嘴照相不好看,拿掉奶嘴請我再替這位小帥哥照幾張 :)
Hugo's mommy asked me to take some more pictures without the pacifier. He's indeed more handsome without it :)
Elliot 的爸爸準備了氣球和打氣筒,灌了氣之後把氣球放掉,氣球就會到處亂飛,小朋友們一個個追氣球追得好開心。
Elliot's daddy prepared some balloons for entertainment. Pumping air in the balloons and letting go, the balloons flied all over the sky and kids were running after the balloons with so much fun.
Pizza 時間到了! 看 Elliot 吃得樣子就覺得 pizza 一定很好吃。
Pizza time! The way Elliot ate the pizza makes you think the pizza must be very yummy!
Eugene 和 Edward 兄弟很乖巧的排排坐吃 pizza。
Eugene and Edward had pizza together.
Kareem had at least 4 juice boxes on Saturday!
午餐過後就是真正的 entertainment 了。這位 Eric 叔叔帶了吉他來和小朋友們又唱又跳,帶著小朋友們唱了好多首兒歌。
After lunch came the real entertainment. Uncle Eric sang songs and played guitar for the kids, and all the kids were dancing and laughing.
看 Elliot 的笑容多燦爛。
Look at Elliot's big smile!
What kids want at this age is pure and simple. Singing songs or reading stories to them is all they want from parents.
弟弟今天穿乾媽送的 spongebob 牛仔短褲,受到許多好評,還有人問我哪裡買耶! 乾媽聽了應該很爽吧?
Kareem's spongbob jeans received so many compliments today. It was a gift from his godmother (sent from Taiwan)......sorry guys it's not available in the US.
Hugo 睡醒起來喝奶了,終於拍到他張開眼睛的樣子。
This was Hugo with his eyes open :)
Ali announced that he is not go to fast this year...
Lovely mother and son.
可愛的小美女 Kiki 是印度和美國的混血,非常溫柔。我替 Kiki 照了許多照片,她對我的相機和照出來的相片非常有興趣,一直要求我讓他看相片。
Kiki was very interested in my camera and photos I took. She kept asking me to show her the pictures from my camera screen. She's such a sweetheart.
Ta-da! 切蛋糕時間到了。今天的主題是足球,從桌布到盤子到餐巾紙都是足球造型,連蛋糕也不例外,因為 Elliot 的爸爸不但是足球迷,也很會踢足球,所以小 Elliot 受到薰陶也很愛足球喔!
Ta-da....cake time! Today's theme was soccer. From table cloth to plates to napkins to the cake....it was all about soccer! Elliot's daddy is a big soccer fan and he loves to play soccer himself too. Elliot is influenced by his daddy and is in love with soccer as well.
Kareem couldn't keep his eyes off of the cake ever since the cake box was removed....
風太大,蠟燭點不起來,只好假裝有蠟燭囉! 幸福的 Collet 家的全家福 :)
The happy Collet family. (It was too windy on Saturday so we couldn't get the candles lightened up.)
小美女 Kiki 偷舔蛋糕被我抓到了,呵呵。
Got you, Kiki :)
很開心的戶外生日趴,祝 Elliot 三歲生日快樂!
We had a great time....happy birthday Elliot!! (And thanks for inviting us :)
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