超音波結果今天揭曉, 我們阿拉家的老二又是個男的啦!
So here is the result of the ultrasound - we are having another Arar boy!
從懷孕開始, 我就一心盼望老二生個女的, 連名字都想好了呢! 中文叫夏杉, 英文叫 Shaza. 男孩子的名字可是一個也沒準備, 因為根本就覺得一定會生女的! 沒想到又來個活蹦亂跳的小弟弟, 照超音波的時候, 弟弟一直動來動去, 搞得技師小姐一直抓不到正確的位置. 小姐跟我們說, 通常在媽媽肚裡很會動的, 生出來也容易是個過動兒. 天啊! 家裡有三個過動兒的日子真不知道怎麼過唷! 表弟說得真好, 從此我就要住在男生宿舍了. 嗚嗚嗚......
From the moment I knew I am pregnant, I had been hoping to have a girl. I even had the girl's name ready: Shaza. We didn't prepare any boy's name because I didn't expect to have another boy at all. However, today we found out that the 2nd baby is a boy again. He was so active when I was having my ultrasound exam. The lady told me that if baby is active in mommy's tummy, most likely he will be very active after he's born. My goodness....now I have 3 active boys at home....how am I going to survive? My cousin is so right, from now on I am going to live in a guys' dorm!
老妹, 你那位埃及的算命師好像不是很準耶! 除非我們家還有別人懷孕......
Rebecca, the fortune teller in Egypt was not very accurate, unless he was talking about some other pregnant woman in our family......
July 26, 2007
July 23, 2007
小肉包吃義大利餐 Hasan having Italian food
禮拜天晚上舅媽的媽媽請我們吃飯. 這頓晚餐讓我和阿里體認到, 下次要到高級餐廳千萬不能帶小肉包一起同行, 實在是應該請褓母加個班, 把小肉包留在家裡的.
Sunday evening Kaman's mom invited us to an Italian restaurant for dinner. Over the dinner, we realized that we shouldn't have brought Hasan with us to this high quality restaurant. We should have asked the nanny to work overtime and left Hasan home.
這小鬼現在愈來愈皮, 一開始猛吃麵包, 自己吃飽了就開始不安分, 高椅子也坐不住, 非要站起來, 不抱他下來他又放大嗓門鬼叫鬼叫的, 搞得我們尷尬得要命. 桌上的東西什麼都要摸一下, 連紅酒白酒也想要喝, 阿里教訓他, 他就大哭大鬧, 害得阿里跟阿公只好輪流抱他出去餐廳外面走走, (我因為懷孕所以得免於抱他,) 晚餐也不能好好享受.
This kid is becoming more and more like a trouble. At the beginning of the dinner, he was eating bread piece by piece continuously. When he was full, he started moving around and standing up on the high chair. If we didn't allow him, he would yell at us and made us embarrassed in front of people. He wanted to touch everything on the table, even wanted to drink the wine. When Ali gave him a lesson, he cried and yelled even more. As a result, Ali and grandpa had to take turns to take him out for a walk. (I was exempted from this because I was pregnant and couldn't carry him anymore.)
不要看他平常一副小天使的樣子, 其實都是裝可愛, 皮起來真的是很皮的呢!
So if you think that Hasan is a little angel, think again! Don't be fooled by his innocent look - he is turning into a terrible toddler!

Sunday evening Kaman's mom invited us to an Italian restaurant for dinner. Over the dinner, we realized that we shouldn't have brought Hasan with us to this high quality restaurant. We should have asked the nanny to work overtime and left Hasan home.
這小鬼現在愈來愈皮, 一開始猛吃麵包, 自己吃飽了就開始不安分, 高椅子也坐不住, 非要站起來, 不抱他下來他又放大嗓門鬼叫鬼叫的, 搞得我們尷尬得要命. 桌上的東西什麼都要摸一下, 連紅酒白酒也想要喝, 阿里教訓他, 他就大哭大鬧, 害得阿里跟阿公只好輪流抱他出去餐廳外面走走, (我因為懷孕所以得免於抱他,) 晚餐也不能好好享受.
This kid is becoming more and more like a trouble. At the beginning of the dinner, he was eating bread piece by piece continuously. When he was full, he started moving around and standing up on the high chair. If we didn't allow him, he would yell at us and made us embarrassed in front of people. He wanted to touch everything on the table, even wanted to drink the wine. When Ali gave him a lesson, he cried and yelled even more. As a result, Ali and grandpa had to take turns to take him out for a walk. (I was exempted from this because I was pregnant and couldn't carry him anymore.)
不要看他平常一副小天使的樣子, 其實都是裝可愛, 皮起來真的是很皮的呢!
So if you think that Hasan is a little angel, think again! Don't be fooled by his innocent look - he is turning into a terrible toddler!
July 22, 2007
海邊驚魂記 Scary experience at the beach
送走阿公阿媽之後, 爸爸又說要去海邊玩, 所以我們就出門了. 上個禮拜爸爸帶小肉包去運動用品店買了一件救生衣, 到了海邊之後我們給小肉包穿上, 爸爸就很興奮地帶小肉包去踏浪. 水其實冷得要命, 但是爸爸根本不聽我勸, 執意要帶小肉包下水.
After grandpa and grandma left, daddy wanted to go to the beach again. Last week daddy bought a life jacket for Hasan, so we put it on him as soon as we arrived the beach, and daddy immediately took Hasan to the water. The water was actually very cold, but daddy was so excited and didn't want to listen to me.
第一段影片請注意站在爸爸和小肉包前面的那位穿粉紅色比基尼的辣妹阿姨, 在影片第十二秒左右之處有露出股溝喔! (我都沒有注意到, 是回家後爸爸看到這段影片, 很興奮地跑來跟我說拍得好啊!)
In the first video, please notice the girl in pink bikini standing in front of daddy and Hasan. She accidentally showed her butt at the 12th second of the video! (I didn't even notice that until when we arrived home, daddy told me that I took the greatest video because of this!)
第二段影片就驚險了. 爸爸回頭跟攝影機打招呼, 沒想到身後一個大浪打來, 爸爸和小肉包都掉到水裡了. 仔細聽還可以聽到我的哀嚎! 不過我站在岸上拍, 實在是遠水救不了近火. 兩人上岸之後, 小肉包還哭哭啼啼的驚魂未定, 爸爸被我臭罵了一頓, 以後再也不讓爸爸帶小肉包去海裡玩了.
In the second video, daddy turned to the camera to say hi without knowing that there was a big wave coming behind him. Both daddy and Hasan fell into the water, and you could also hear my screaming! But I was standing on the shore and couldn't really do anything about it. After daddy and Hasan came up, I gave daddy a big lecture and decided not to allow daddy to take Hasan to the ocean again.
After grandpa and grandma left, daddy wanted to go to the beach again. Last week daddy bought a life jacket for Hasan, so we put it on him as soon as we arrived the beach, and daddy immediately took Hasan to the water. The water was actually very cold, but daddy was so excited and didn't want to listen to me.
第一段影片請注意站在爸爸和小肉包前面的那位穿粉紅色比基尼的辣妹阿姨, 在影片第十二秒左右之處有露出股溝喔! (我都沒有注意到, 是回家後爸爸看到這段影片, 很興奮地跑來跟我說拍得好啊!)
In the first video, please notice the girl in pink bikini standing in front of daddy and Hasan. She accidentally showed her butt at the 12th second of the video! (I didn't even notice that until when we arrived home, daddy told me that I took the greatest video because of this!)
第二段影片就驚險了. 爸爸回頭跟攝影機打招呼, 沒想到身後一個大浪打來, 爸爸和小肉包都掉到水裡了. 仔細聽還可以聽到我的哀嚎! 不過我站在岸上拍, 實在是遠水救不了近火. 兩人上岸之後, 小肉包還哭哭啼啼的驚魂未定, 爸爸被我臭罵了一頓, 以後再也不讓爸爸帶小肉包去海裡玩了.
In the second video, daddy turned to the camera to say hi without knowing that there was a big wave coming behind him. Both daddy and Hasan fell into the water, and you could also hear my screaming! But I was standing on the shore and couldn't really do anything about it. After daddy and Hasan came up, I gave daddy a big lecture and decided not to allow daddy to take Hasan to the ocean again.
和阿公玩 Playing with grandpa
禮拜五晚上阿公阿媽來住, 小肉包和阿公阿媽玩得不亦樂乎, 一個勁兒爬上爬下, 一點都不累.
Friday night grandpa and grandma came to sleep over. Hasan had a great time with grandpa and grandma, climbing up and down the couch as if it's his play ground.
結果晚上睡覺的時候還做惡夢哭醒, 可能是玩得太瘋了吧. 阿公阿媽回去之後他還一直喊著 "阿公" "阿媽," 好像很想念的樣子.
As a result of having too much fun in the evening, he woke up in the middle of the night crying as if he had a bad dream. After grandpa and grandma left, he kept calling "grandpa" "grandma" as if he missed them so much.

第二天一早起來大家一起去公園散步, 阿公抱著小肉包玩水玩得好開心, 但是我忘了帶相機, 精采的片段都沒有拍下來, 真是可惜了.
The next morning we woke up early to take a walk in the park. Grandpa took Hasan to play with the water, and Hasan giggled a lot. But I wasn't able to record all these moments because I forgot to bring a camera....too bad!
Friday night grandpa and grandma came to sleep over. Hasan had a great time with grandpa and grandma, climbing up and down the couch as if it's his play ground.
結果晚上睡覺的時候還做惡夢哭醒, 可能是玩得太瘋了吧. 阿公阿媽回去之後他還一直喊著 "阿公" "阿媽," 好像很想念的樣子.
As a result of having too much fun in the evening, he woke up in the middle of the night crying as if he had a bad dream. After grandpa and grandma left, he kept calling "grandpa" "grandma" as if he missed them so much.
第二天一早起來大家一起去公園散步, 阿公抱著小肉包玩水玩得好開心, 但是我忘了帶相機, 精采的片段都沒有拍下來, 真是可惜了.
The next morning we woke up early to take a walk in the park. Grandpa took Hasan to play with the water, and Hasan giggled a lot. But I wasn't able to record all these moments because I forgot to bring a camera....too bad!
July 18, 2007
好玩的 Something interesting
從朋友的網站上學來的, 可以把照片放上去像是在開攝影展一樣喔!
I learned it from a friend's website - as if you are having a photo exhibition!

You can also make a pencil sketch or a puzzle out of a picture.

I learned it from a friend's website - as if you are having a photo exhibition!

You can also make a pencil sketch or a puzzle out of a picture.

孕婦飲食原則 四少六知打破傳統禁忌 (摘錄)
July 16, 2007
第三度剃頭 The 3rd haircut
阿公從台灣來了. 禮拜天我們帶小肉包去看阿公, 阿公一直抱怨說小肉包的頭髮太長, 所以我們一回家就忍痛把它給剪了. 雖然心疼小肉包的一頭美髮, 但是他短髮的樣子也是一樣很帥氣呢!
Grandpa is here! We took Hasan to visit grandpa on Sunday. Grandpa kept complaining about Hasan's long hair, so we cut it short as soon as we came back from grandma's. Although I miss Hasan's beautiful long hair, Hasan looks as handsome with this new hair style!

後來媽咪又突發奇想, 把兩串玩具掛在小肉包的耳朵上假裝是耳環, 看起來還真可愛呢! 不好意思, 媽媽想要女兒已經快想瘋了.
Then I put two toy rings on Hasan's ears to pretend that he was wearing ear rings. He looked really cute! I guess I really want a girl.....
Grandpa is here! We took Hasan to visit grandpa on Sunday. Grandpa kept complaining about Hasan's long hair, so we cut it short as soon as we came back from grandma's. Although I miss Hasan's beautiful long hair, Hasan looks as handsome with this new hair style!
後來媽咪又突發奇想, 把兩串玩具掛在小肉包的耳朵上假裝是耳環, 看起來還真可愛呢! 不好意思, 媽媽想要女兒已經快想瘋了.
Then I put two toy rings on Hasan's ears to pretend that he was wearing ear rings. He looked really cute! I guess I really want a girl.....
July 09, 2007
吃玉米 I love corns
平常我都是把玉米切下來給小肉包一粒一粒撿著吃. 今天他吵著要整支拿著吃, 我們也就讓他自己拿了. 沒想到他還吃得挺有模有樣的, 雖然吃半根玉米花了很久時間, 最後竟然也吃得乾乾淨淨的!
Usually I would cut the corns from the corn cub so that Hasan can pick them up one by one with his little fingers. Today he wanted to hold the corn cub by himself, so we let him do it. He was having so much fun - although it took him a long time to finish half of the corn cub, eventually he finished everything!

Usually I would cut the corns from the corn cub so that Hasan can pick them up one by one with his little fingers. Today he wanted to hold the corn cub by himself, so we let him do it. He was having so much fun - although it took him a long time to finish half of the corn cub, eventually he finished everything!

July 08, 2007
又去海邊啦! At the beach again!
今天紐約的溫度高到一百度. 中午和朋友約了吃午飯之後, 本來沒有計畫下午要做些什麼, 但是爸爸看溫度這麼高, 一直喊著是個適合到海邊逛逛的天氣, 所以我們就出發了.
It was at 100 degrees today in New York. We didn't really plan for anything in the afternoon, but daddy kept saying that it was a beach day. So we decided to head to the beach.
因為我不想在日頭正艷的時候到海邊去烤人肉, 前兩次去海邊我們都刻意避開紫外線正強的中午時段, 所以每次我們到了海邊, 人潮都散了. 不過今天實在是太熱, 我們到瓊斯海灘的時候已經下午四點多, 卻還是不斷地有人潮車潮湧入, 整個海灘像菜市場一樣.
I don't like to go to the beach between 10am and 2pm because it's too hot and the UV rays are too strong, so every time when we arrived the beach, people were pretty much leaving already. However, it was so hot today that even we arrived after 4pm, people were still coming to the beach. The famous Jones Beach was just like a crowded market.
我替小肉包塗上防曬油, 他自己也在模仿, 假裝往自己臉上抹防曬油. (這段影片也是特別拍給珍妮阿姨看的. 珍妮阿姨一直想看紐約著名的瓊斯海灘長什麼樣子, 現在知道了吧! 有興趣下次可以跟我們一起來玩.)
I put the sun screen on Hasan, and he started doing it himself too - pretending that he was putting sun screen on his face. (This video clip was also to show aunt Jenny what the famous Jones Beach looks like - if you are interested you are more than welcome to come with us next time!)
小肉包替自己塗完防曬油之後, 又開始很體貼的替媽咪塗防曬油. 我覺得很好笑又很溫馨, 所以叫爸爸趕快替我們拍下來. 但是我有特別囑咐爸爸不可以拍到我的大屁股, 所以爸爸很為難的拍了一小段, 小肉包在替媽咪塗大腿的時候就沒有拍到了. (真是為難你了, 爸爸!)
After Hasan was done putting lotion on his own face, he started putting lotion on mommy. I thought it was funny and also very considerate, so I asked daddy to record it on the video. However, I did remind daddy not to include my big butt in the video, so daddy only took a short clip and didn't capture the moment when Hasan was putting lotion on my legs. (Thanks a lot, daddy!)
It was at 100 degrees today in New York. We didn't really plan for anything in the afternoon, but daddy kept saying that it was a beach day. So we decided to head to the beach.
因為我不想在日頭正艷的時候到海邊去烤人肉, 前兩次去海邊我們都刻意避開紫外線正強的中午時段, 所以每次我們到了海邊, 人潮都散了. 不過今天實在是太熱, 我們到瓊斯海灘的時候已經下午四點多, 卻還是不斷地有人潮車潮湧入, 整個海灘像菜市場一樣.
I don't like to go to the beach between 10am and 2pm because it's too hot and the UV rays are too strong, so every time when we arrived the beach, people were pretty much leaving already. However, it was so hot today that even we arrived after 4pm, people were still coming to the beach. The famous Jones Beach was just like a crowded market.
我替小肉包塗上防曬油, 他自己也在模仿, 假裝往自己臉上抹防曬油. (這段影片也是特別拍給珍妮阿姨看的. 珍妮阿姨一直想看紐約著名的瓊斯海灘長什麼樣子, 現在知道了吧! 有興趣下次可以跟我們一起來玩.)
I put the sun screen on Hasan, and he started doing it himself too - pretending that he was putting sun screen on his face. (This video clip was also to show aunt Jenny what the famous Jones Beach looks like - if you are interested you are more than welcome to come with us next time!)
小肉包替自己塗完防曬油之後, 又開始很體貼的替媽咪塗防曬油. 我覺得很好笑又很溫馨, 所以叫爸爸趕快替我們拍下來. 但是我有特別囑咐爸爸不可以拍到我的大屁股, 所以爸爸很為難的拍了一小段, 小肉包在替媽咪塗大腿的時候就沒有拍到了. (真是為難你了, 爸爸!)
After Hasan was done putting lotion on his own face, he started putting lotion on mommy. I thought it was funny and also very considerate, so I asked daddy to record it on the video. However, I did remind daddy not to include my big butt in the video, so daddy only took a short clip and didn't capture the moment when Hasan was putting lotion on my legs. (Thanks a lot, daddy!)
July 07, 2007
男? 女?
七月二十六號就要揭曉老二的性別了. 最近大家猜得很兇, 猜是女生的有:
阿里的媽媽和妹妹 - 兩人都說夢到是女的, 尤其是阿里的媽媽, 在我還沒告訴她我懷孕之前, 她就已經夢到我生了一個女生, 還打電話來問我是不是懷孕了, 好像很神的樣子. 至於阿里的妹妹更绝, 說她夢到我們的女兒是個金髮美女. 我心裡想說, 我們這樣要是生得出金髮的才厲害呢!
我妹 - 去埃及的時候給人家用咖啡渣占卜, 算命的自己告訴她說她家裡有人懷孕, 她馬上追問是生男孩生女, 算命的說是女的. 目前我們家裡只有我懷孕, 所以應該說的就是我們老二啦! 不知道埃及的算命師準不準哩!
阿里 - 今天早上跟我說她昨晚夢到一個長得很可愛但是沒脖子的小朋友, (阿里自己沒啥脖子 - 因為太肥了), 而且是金髮. (又是金髮! 他們家人很歧視黑髮喔!)
陳奕合叔叔 - 竟然說我一臉就是只能生男的命.
算來目前猜生女的還是多一票, 在七月二十六號以前被我們家老二托夢的親朋好友們一定要趕快告訴我喔!
阿里的媽媽和妹妹 - 兩人都說夢到是女的, 尤其是阿里的媽媽, 在我還沒告訴她我懷孕之前, 她就已經夢到我生了一個女生, 還打電話來問我是不是懷孕了, 好像很神的樣子. 至於阿里的妹妹更绝, 說她夢到我們的女兒是個金髮美女. 我心裡想說, 我們這樣要是生得出金髮的才厲害呢!
我妹 - 去埃及的時候給人家用咖啡渣占卜, 算命的自己告訴她說她家裡有人懷孕, 她馬上追問是生男孩生女, 算命的說是女的. 目前我們家裡只有我懷孕, 所以應該說的就是我們老二啦! 不知道埃及的算命師準不準哩!
阿里 - 今天早上跟我說她昨晚夢到一個長得很可愛但是沒脖子的小朋友, (阿里自己沒啥脖子 - 因為太肥了), 而且是金髮. (又是金髮! 他們家人很歧視黑髮喔!)
陳奕合叔叔 - 竟然說我一臉就是只能生男的命.
算來目前猜生女的還是多一票, 在七月二十六號以前被我們家老二托夢的親朋好友們一定要趕快告訴我喔!
July 06, 2007
今天請了一天假, 打算把該辦的事辦一辦. 早上先去看牙醫, 下午開了車去做 inspection. (說來真不好意思, inspection 竟然過期了一年都沒發現, 是兩週前因為超速被警察抓到, 又被發現 inspection 過期, 一連開了兩張罰單, 才知道該去 renew inspection 了.) 很久沒有自己開車去辦事, 平常不是有阿里跟著, 就是有小肉包跟著. 這回自己開車出去, 雖然是去辦正事, 但是頗有一種兜風的心情.
Inspection 很快就做完了. 回程時到星巴克買了一杯咖啡冰沙, 雖然懷孕不應該喝咖啡, 但是還是忍不住嘴饞. 回程時已經下午三點多, 經過曼哈頓時被塞在車陣中. 雖然外面艷陽高照, 但我在車裡開著冷氣, 喝著冰沙, 聽著梁靜茹和周杰倫很久很久.很.久.以前的歌, (平常不是聽小肉包的兒歌就是聽英文歌, 因為阿里說聽中文歌他會睡著.) 一邊大聲的跟唱, 順便練習尖峰時間在曼哈頓開車所需要的鑽車技術, 感覺還挺愜意的呢!
小奧迪是我單身生活的回憶, 跟著我一路從德州北征至紐約. 小肉包出生之後, 後座放了嬰兒椅, 覺得擠了一點. 後來小肉包長大了, 又只好買更大的嬰兒椅, 後座又更擠了. 現在後座除了小肉包以外要再載兩個人已經覺得十分勉強, 老二出生之後可能就得換車, 不然沒法載人了, 想到真覺得捨不得陪我征戰多年的小奧迪. 整理車裡的時候竟然發現一盒只抽過一根的雪茄, 也不知道是誰留下的.
Inspection 很快就做完了. 回程時到星巴克買了一杯咖啡冰沙, 雖然懷孕不應該喝咖啡, 但是還是忍不住嘴饞. 回程時已經下午三點多, 經過曼哈頓時被塞在車陣中. 雖然外面艷陽高照, 但我在車裡開著冷氣, 喝著冰沙, 聽著梁靜茹和周杰倫很久很久.很.久.以前的歌, (平常不是聽小肉包的兒歌就是聽英文歌, 因為阿里說聽中文歌他會睡著.) 一邊大聲的跟唱, 順便練習尖峰時間在曼哈頓開車所需要的鑽車技術, 感覺還挺愜意的呢!
小奧迪是我單身生活的回憶, 跟著我一路從德州北征至紐約. 小肉包出生之後, 後座放了嬰兒椅, 覺得擠了一點. 後來小肉包長大了, 又只好買更大的嬰兒椅, 後座又更擠了. 現在後座除了小肉包以外要再載兩個人已經覺得十分勉強, 老二出生之後可能就得換車, 不然沒法載人了, 想到真覺得捨不得陪我征戰多年的小奧迪. 整理車裡的時候竟然發現一盒只抽過一根的雪茄, 也不知道是誰留下的.
小肉包在各方面的進展都超前同年齡的小朋友, 體能方面他爬得早, 走得早, 社交方面他更是瓜瓜叫, 被鄰居們封為小肉包市長, 他認識的左鄰右舍比我和阿里認識的還多. 唯獨語言方面, 不知道是不是因為家裡講三種語言的關係, 發展的比較慢一點, 阿里和我跟他講話, 他聽是聽得很懂, 但是一直都不願意開口回答.
最近他會講的單字終於愈來愈多了, 趁機幫他錄下來作為憑證. 會講的單字有爸爸 (把拔), 媽媽 (馬麻), 魚 (發音比較像台語的魚), 飛機 (黑機), 狗狗 (這個詞發得很標準而且很可愛), 牙牙牙 (一定要講三次喔! 表示要刷牙的意思), 燙燙 (大大), 當然想喝奶的時候也會講奶奶 (ㄋㄟㄋㄟ) 喔! 這些詞都已經準確的知道意思, 看到或聽到飛機和狗狗的時候一定會講出來了喔!
不過目前的狀況是只會講中文, (嘿嘿, 媽媽的語言教育果然超前爸爸). 爲了要和小肉包溝通, 爸爸只好努力學中文了. 爸爸的程度和小肉包一樣, 搞不好還差一點呢!
最近他會講的單字終於愈來愈多了, 趁機幫他錄下來作為憑證. 會講的單字有爸爸 (把拔), 媽媽 (馬麻), 魚 (發音比較像台語的魚), 飛機 (黑機), 狗狗 (這個詞發得很標準而且很可愛), 牙牙牙 (一定要講三次喔! 表示要刷牙的意思), 燙燙 (大大), 當然想喝奶的時候也會講奶奶 (ㄋㄟㄋㄟ) 喔! 這些詞都已經準確的知道意思, 看到或聽到飛機和狗狗的時候一定會講出來了喔!
不過目前的狀況是只會講中文, (嘿嘿, 媽媽的語言教育果然超前爸爸). 爲了要和小肉包溝通, 爸爸只好努力學中文了. 爸爸的程度和小肉包一樣, 搞不好還差一點呢!
今夏第二烤 2nd BBQ this summer
七月四日當天不能免俗地也要來個烤肉. 這回在外婆家前面的院子烤, 沒有其他的小朋友跟他玩, 只好自己找樂子了.
Of course we had to have a BBQ on July 4th. This time we had it in grandma's front yard, so there were no other kids to play with Hasan. He had to try to entertain himself.
東吃西吃的吃了一堆亂七八糟的, 有點渴了. Ken 舅舅餵他吃西瓜, 小肉包竟然貪心地想要整片抓來吃.
He ate a lot of stuff from the grill and felt thirsty. Uncle Ken fed him some water melon, and he even wanted to grab the whole piece himself!
只有凱文舅舅年紀比較小一點, 勉強可以湊合著一起玩. 不過小肉包想和小舅舅玩, 舅舅可還不想跟他這個小毛頭玩呢!
Uncle Kevin was the yongest, and Hasan was hoping to play with this little uncle. But Kevin didn't seem to be interested......
吃完烤肉大家又到舅公家去幫 Pat 舅舅慶生. 到底是誰生日啊? 小肉包真愛湊熱鬧.
After BBQ we went to celebrate uncle Pat's birthday. Hasan was standing right in front of the cake as if it was his birthday celebration.


Of course we had to have a BBQ on July 4th. This time we had it in grandma's front yard, so there were no other kids to play with Hasan. He had to try to entertain himself.
東吃西吃的吃了一堆亂七八糟的, 有點渴了. Ken 舅舅餵他吃西瓜, 小肉包竟然貪心地想要整片抓來吃.
He ate a lot of stuff from the grill and felt thirsty. Uncle Ken fed him some water melon, and he even wanted to grab the whole piece himself!
只有凱文舅舅年紀比較小一點, 勉強可以湊合著一起玩. 不過小肉包想和小舅舅玩, 舅舅可還不想跟他這個小毛頭玩呢!
Uncle Kevin was the yongest, and Hasan was hoping to play with this little uncle. But Kevin didn't seem to be interested......
吃完烤肉大家又到舅公家去幫 Pat 舅舅慶生. 到底是誰生日啊? 小肉包真愛湊熱鬧.
After BBQ we went to celebrate uncle Pat's birthday. Hasan was standing right in front of the cake as if it was his birthday celebration.
對了, 忘了介紹我在 food network 上學來的烤水蜜桃. 水蜜桃要選軟一點的白桃, 放在 grill 上烤個五分鐘, 淋上一點點蜂蜜, 真的很讚喔! 很像在吃沒有派皮的水蜜桃派, 大家可以試試看.
Almost forgot to introduce our new dish - grilled peach. Pick soft white peaches and put them on the grill for about 5 minutes. Add some honey on top of it - it is really good! It's like eating a peach pie without the pie crust.
July 05, 2007
我像女生嗎 Do I look like a girl?
小肉包現在很愛模仿, 一天到晚跟在我屁股後面, 看我做什麼就做什麼, 我擦乳液他也要擦, 我梳頭髮他也要梳, 我化妝他也要畫腮紅, 我戴戒指他也要戴. 今天跟我要了一個髮夾去夾, 夾起來到也有幾分像小女生.
Hasan likes to mimic what I am doing. He wants to put lotion on when he sees me putting lotion on; he wants to comb his hair when he sees me combing my hair; he wants to put make-up on when he sees me putting make-up on; he wants to wear a ring when he sees me wearing a ring. Today he asked for a hair clip from me - does he look like a girl?
真糟糕, 希望他不會跟我要裙子穿才好.
I hope he'll never ask me for a skirt to put on......
Hasan likes to mimic what I am doing. He wants to put lotion on when he sees me putting lotion on; he wants to comb his hair when he sees me combing my hair; he wants to put make-up on when he sees me putting make-up on; he wants to wear a ring when he sees me wearing a ring. Today he asked for a hair clip from me - does he look like a girl?
真糟糕, 希望他不會跟我要裙子穿才好.
I hope he'll never ask me for a skirt to put on......
自己沖澡 Hasan taking shower
在這之前都是洗泡澡. 這幾天爸爸開始訓練他沖澡, 本來小肉包很怕站在蓮澎頭下面, 現在終於不怕了, 爸爸叫他進去就進去, 出來就出來, 做完一輪之後還會自己覺得很有成就似地拍拍手鼓勵鼓勵.
Until today, Hasan always had his bath in the tub. Daddy started training him to take shower by himself for the past couple of days. Hasan was so afraid of standing under the shower head, but now he's not afraid anymore. He would walk into the water when daddy told him to, and walked out also when daddy told him to. Afterwards he would give himself a round of applause as if he's done a big achievement!
第二段影片的後面爸爸用阿拉伯文問他幾歲了(阿呆許翁姆拉克), 他也會比一喔! 現在這句話已經聽得懂四種語言了, 用中文, 台語, 英文, 還有阿拉伯文問他他都會比一歲喔!
In the second video clip, daddy asked him "how old are you" in Arabic, and he signed "one"! Now he understands this sentence in 4 different languages - if you ask him "how old are you" in Mandarin, Taiwanese, English, and Arabic, he will react to all 4 languages and sign "one"!
Until today, Hasan always had his bath in the tub. Daddy started training him to take shower by himself for the past couple of days. Hasan was so afraid of standing under the shower head, but now he's not afraid anymore. He would walk into the water when daddy told him to, and walked out also when daddy told him to. Afterwards he would give himself a round of applause as if he's done a big achievement!
第二段影片的後面爸爸用阿拉伯文問他幾歲了(阿呆許翁姆拉克), 他也會比一喔! 現在這句話已經聽得懂四種語言了, 用中文, 台語, 英文, 還有阿拉伯文問他他都會比一歲喔!
In the second video clip, daddy asked him "how old are you" in Arabic, and he signed "one"! Now he understands this sentence in 4 different languages - if you ask him "how old are you" in Mandarin, Taiwanese, English, and Arabic, he will react to all 4 languages and sign "one"!
July 01, 2007
今天下午我和阿里主辦了今夏的第一次烤肉, 家族幾乎全員到齊, 一起到我們家後面的公園烤肉去. 因為是前一天晚上才決定要烤肉, 阿里吃了晚飯才出去買材料, 太晚了, 我就在家陪小肉包睡覺沒有跟去, 結果我一沒有跟監, 阿里就亂買一通, 準備得真的很"肉" - 全是肉, 一點菜也沒有. 問他怎麼沒有菜, 他還理直氣壯的說 烤肉不就是要烤"肉"嗎?
小肉包在到公園的路上就睡得不醒人事, 等到大家都開始吃第二輪了才醒來. 因為肉都烤得硬梆梆的, 我只好胡亂餵了他吃點什麼麵包, 後來舅媽拿了雞蛋糕餵他, 他竟然死跟著舅媽不放, 還追著舅媽跑. 舅媽每餵他吃一口雞蛋糕, 他就要舞個兩下, 好像吃到一口雞蛋糕是人生一大快事一樣.
另一件他在公園最喜歡做的事就是當環保小英雄, 超喜歡撿垃圾的, 不只是今天, 每次帶他去公園他都一直撿垃圾. 雖然是件好事, 但是每次都搞得手髒髒的, 真不知道該鼓勵他還是叫他不要再撿了.
後來有一群小朋友在旁邊玩球, 我看他一直盯著人家看, 便從袋子裡拿出他自己的球來給他玩. 沒想到我幫他帶的球硬生生比其他小朋友的球小了一號, 他一心想要玩別人的那顆大球, 也不看看自己比人家足足矮了一截, 竟然就要跑過去硬搶, 這蠻勁真不知是從哪裡遺傳過來的.
沒有見過阿里和小肉包的小舅公今天也剛好從德州上來玩喔! 還有不常回來東岸的Patrick舅舅也是今天才到耶! 今天的家族聚會很熱鬧呢!

小肉包在到公園的路上就睡得不醒人事, 等到大家都開始吃第二輪了才醒來. 因為肉都烤得硬梆梆的, 我只好胡亂餵了他吃點什麼麵包, 後來舅媽拿了雞蛋糕餵他, 他竟然死跟著舅媽不放, 還追著舅媽跑. 舅媽每餵他吃一口雞蛋糕, 他就要舞個兩下, 好像吃到一口雞蛋糕是人生一大快事一樣.
另一件他在公園最喜歡做的事就是當環保小英雄, 超喜歡撿垃圾的, 不只是今天, 每次帶他去公園他都一直撿垃圾. 雖然是件好事, 但是每次都搞得手髒髒的, 真不知道該鼓勵他還是叫他不要再撿了.
後來有一群小朋友在旁邊玩球, 我看他一直盯著人家看, 便從袋子裡拿出他自己的球來給他玩. 沒想到我幫他帶的球硬生生比其他小朋友的球小了一號, 他一心想要玩別人的那顆大球, 也不看看自己比人家足足矮了一截, 竟然就要跑過去硬搶, 這蠻勁真不知是從哪裡遺傳過來的.
沒有見過阿里和小肉包的小舅公今天也剛好從德州上來玩喔! 還有不常回來東岸的Patrick舅舅也是今天才到耶! 今天的家族聚會很熱鬧呢!
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