It was at 100 degrees today in New York. We didn't really plan for anything in the afternoon, but daddy kept saying that it was a beach day. So we decided to head to the beach.
因為我不想在日頭正艷的時候到海邊去烤人肉, 前兩次去海邊我們都刻意避開紫外線正強的中午時段, 所以每次我們到了海邊, 人潮都散了. 不過今天實在是太熱, 我們到瓊斯海灘的時候已經下午四點多, 卻還是不斷地有人潮車潮湧入, 整個海灘像菜市場一樣.
I don't like to go to the beach between 10am and 2pm because it's too hot and the UV rays are too strong, so every time when we arrived the beach, people were pretty much leaving already. However, it was so hot today that even we arrived after 4pm, people were still coming to the beach. The famous Jones Beach was just like a crowded market.
我替小肉包塗上防曬油, 他自己也在模仿, 假裝往自己臉上抹防曬油. (這段影片也是特別拍給珍妮阿姨看的. 珍妮阿姨一直想看紐約著名的瓊斯海灘長什麼樣子, 現在知道了吧! 有興趣下次可以跟我們一起來玩.)
I put the sun screen on Hasan, and he started doing it himself too - pretending that he was putting sun screen on his face. (This video clip was also to show aunt Jenny what the famous Jones Beach looks like - if you are interested you are more than welcome to come with us next time!)
小肉包替自己塗完防曬油之後, 又開始很體貼的替媽咪塗防曬油. 我覺得很好笑又很溫馨, 所以叫爸爸趕快替我們拍下來. 但是我有特別囑咐爸爸不可以拍到我的大屁股, 所以爸爸很為難的拍了一小段, 小肉包在替媽咪塗大腿的時候就沒有拍到了. (真是為難你了, 爸爸!)
After Hasan was done putting lotion on his own face, he started putting lotion on mommy. I thought it was funny and also very considerate, so I asked daddy to record it on the video. However, I did remind daddy not to include my big butt in the video, so daddy only took a short clip and didn't capture the moment when Hasan was putting lotion on my legs. (Thanks a lot, daddy!)
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